Sunday, October 15, 2017

#UBA4AfricanEntrepreneurs #TEFForum2017 : Tips On How To Succeed as An Entrepreneur

Exciting masterclasses with business leaders across the African Diaspora on Finance, Branding and Marketing. 

Here are a few tips on how to succeed as an entrepreneur. 

1. Ensure your value proposition is visible to customers.   Identify a need and find a market that has not been served 

2. Choose a digital platform that speaks to your audience 

3. Hire people that love your brand as much as you 
4. Be consistent in your business, work ethics and passion 

 5. You must be able to adapt with the times 

6. Pay the right taxes and get your business a legal friend and accountant 

7. Be comfortable with being embarrassed. If you want to be the best, you first need to be the least 

8. Be creative 

9. Use reporting platforms to know what is working and what is not 

10. Network and build relationships 

11. Find influencers to build your brand 
 #TEFForum2017 #Africapitalism

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