Monday, November 6, 2017


Statement from Mrs Taiwo Omotoso:

Youtube video link: 

The investigative unit of South African police, The Hawks, scheduled a meeting in Port Elizabeth with Rev. Tim Omotoso and his legal representatives on 20 April 2017 under the pretext of an ‘inquiry’ over allegations made against him. Tim Omotoso consequently bought a return flight ticket and flew from Durban to Port Elizabeth with a bid to cooperate with the authorities and answer any questions they had. Whilst he was denied the truth, the Hawks offered it to various media houses and the general public so much so that all were gathered and prepared to witness the arrest and mock Tim Omotoso as the so called inquiry turned out to be a scheduled arrest, dramatically played out at the Port Elizabeth airport in full view of the media and public.

The Hawks further propagated a lie, saying Tim Omotoso lied about his flight arrival time and was caught hiding in the airport’s female toilet but in fact Tim Omotoso took a scheduled South Africa Airways flight and on landing he briefly went into the male toilet. Whilst relieving himself a number of armed police stomped in and climbed the cubicle dragging him out like a common criminal. Was it necessary for 8 armed police to arrest an unarmed man who voluntarily traveled down to cooperate with the authorities? All these because of allegations of sexual offences and human trafficking. In recent days we have seen allegations play out in Hollywood, Westminster and various other prominent places and countries yet the men concerned are still free until such allegations are proven and ONLY then will an arrest be initiated if the evidence stacks up.  

Justice delayed is justice denied: The above been as it may. Following the unlawful arrest It is extremely alarming that bail is still being denied. The initial bail application was made on 21st April and after a series of adjournments the first bail was denied on 9 June 2017. An application for a second bail hearing was made in July 2017, and it took the court a further 5 weeks to consider it on the basis of availability of the prosecutor and magistrate. Yet bail applications are supposed to be treated as matters of urgency. The second bail application was heard on 29 and 30 August 2017 and that was denied on 8 September 2017. In addition these concerns have been raised on different occasions to the department of Justice and its representatives but no response has been received to date. 

According to South African law Rev. Omotoso is presumed innocent until proven guilty, as stipulated in Section 35, sub-section 1 (d) of the Bill of Rights. However, this has clearly not been adhered to, rather the media has been used to create and promote a public outcry and media trial.  Furthermore, it is alleged that Tim Omotoso is in possession of a fraudulent work permit, yet he has resided in South Africa legally since the year 2000. His work permits had been duly applied for and indeed issued by the department of Home Affairs and in addition he travels in and out of the country multiple times a year going via the airport’s border and immigration controls. What sense does this make?  There needs to be an immediate end to this xenophobic act of injustice. There are a few prominent South African men who have had similar allegations levied against them yet no arrests have been made or are imminent so why was Tim Omotoso arrested?

Youtube video link: 

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