Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Four Total Wellness Resolutions for 2018 to Start Tackling Now

Resolutions aren't just for New Year's Eve. Now is a great time to take stock of 2017 and think about where you'd like to be this time next year. Whether you want to get healthier or propel your career forward, get started with advice from these experts.

As the holiday season approaches, your resolutions for 2018 probably aren’t top of mind just yet—but they should be.


“The end of the year is a great time to assess both how your life has gone over the past 12 months and where you want it to go long term,” says Jennifer Turgiss, Ph.D., Vice President of Behavior Science & Advanced Analytics, Johnson & Johnson.
Some key questions to ask yourself: Do I have the energy to pursue all the things I want, including spending time on personal interests and with family? Do I feel like I'm moving forward in life, or are there specific places where I feel stuck in a rut? 

“The key to high levels of well-being is to have meaning and purpose in life: enough energy to do the things that matter to you; close personal relationships and meaningful social ties; plenty of positive emotions, especially during trying times; and opportunities for personal growth,” explains Turgiss.
And once you’ve identified areas where you think you might need improvement, you can implement a concrete plan to help you achieve them in 2018—turning vague resolutions into well-formed goals.
“Health behavior change only happens when an individual is engaged in their own health journey and empowered with the skills, knowledge and opportunity to do the behavior,” says Turgiss.
In the spirit of starting 2018 in the healthiest way possible, we spoke to leading career, fitness and behavior change experts across Johnson & Johnson for tips on how to head into the new year primed for purpose—and total package wellness. 

1.  The Wellness Resolution: 3 Ways to Help Keep Your Mind Sharp
Get better sleep! There is increasing evidence that chronically poor sleep is associated with an increased risk of cognitive decline.  
“We’re not exactly sure how, but recent research indicates that it may hamper the brain’s ability to clear out pathogenic substances,” says Vaibhav Narayan, Ph.D., MBA, Vice President Research and Therapeutic Area IT, Janssen Research & Development, part of the Johnson & Johnson family of companies.
Always tired even if you get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep per night? Try monitoring the type of sleep you get through a wearable device with heart-rate tracking. On average, light sleep should take up 50 to 60% or more of your night, with deep sleep accounting for 10 to 25%, and the REM stage making up the 20 to 25% that remains.
If you’re not consistently getting enough deep or REM sleep, see your doctor: You may have an undiagnosed sleep disorder, such as sleep apnea.
Exercise improves blood flow to the brain. It also lowers your risk for such chronic diseases as heart disease and obesity, which can impact brain health.

Be social. Book club, a fitness class, volunteering with the PTA … it doesn’t matter what you do, so long as you are going out and meeting new people.
“Some studies suggest that people with less social engagement, less frequent social contact and more feelings of loneliness may possibly have an increased risk of developing dementia, although the evidence is not clear-cut," says Narayan.

Break a sweat. There is, on the other hand, evidence that physical activity can help stave off cognitive decline, Narayan says.
“Exercise improves blood flow to the brain,” he explains. “It also lowers your risk for such chronic diseases as heart disease and obesity, which can impact brain health.”
Need some ideas to help whip you back into shape? Read on ...
2.  The Wellness Resolution: 3 Ways to Get Fit—for Real This Time

 Find your motivation. “The first question I always ask clients is why they want to set new exercise goals,” says Chris Jordan, Director of Exercise Physiology, Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute (HPI). “If they give a boilerplate answer, like ‘I want to lose weight,’ I push them a little further. For example, I see being fit as a way of being a good healthy role model to my 4-year-old son. I want to be able to run a 5K with him when I’m 70 or even 80.”

Point being, the more meaning there is behind your goal, the more incentive you have to achieve it. “If I can link running on the treadmill or performing bicep curls to being a better dad, I’m going to stick with it,” explains Jordan.

Set mini fitness goals. “A common mistake people make with resolutions is to go all or nothing,” says Jordan. “But soon, real life will get in the way. If you haven’t been exercising consistently all year, focus on making sure you fit in a minimum of three workouts a week. Once it becomes as instinctual as brushing your teeth, you can ramp up.”
And you don’t need to spend hours working up a sweat each session either. In fact, Jordan designed an app that breaks full-body workouts down to just seven minutes a pop.

Plan ahead. Pack your gym bag before you go to bed each night and leave it by the door so you don’t forget it. Schedule workouts into your calendar just like any other appointment. Set gym dates with friends so you’ll be sure to show up.
Anything you can do in advance to plan for success will help you stick even harder to your workout goals.

3.The Wellness Resolution: 3 Ways to Find Your Happy (and Healthy) Place
 Practice gratitude. Research has consistently uncovered that feeling grateful can improve both your physical and emotional well-being. One study done at the University of California Davis, for example, found that people who routinely count their blessings report better moods, healthier coping behaviors, fewer physical symptoms and overall more life happiness than those who don’t.
“Gratitude helps us find more harmony with what we have,” Turgiss explains. “It gives us a reality check.”
People who work hard at mastering a new skill report the most happiness long term, according to a San Francisco State University study.
Perform random acts of kindness. Whether it’s checking in with an elderly neighbor or volunteering at a soup kitchen, the act of do-gooding can benefit you in the long run: An Oxford University study completed in April found that when nearly 700 people from 39 countries performed acts of kindness every day for seven days, they reported feeling happier and having more life satisfaction.

 “When you practice kindness, you ultimately lift the well-being of both your social group and society at large, and when that happens, everyone benefits,” says Turgiss.

Master something new. Learning is a great way to get yourself out of the rut you may be feeling after years in the same career and life routine, notes Turgiss. In fact, people who work hard at mastering a new skill report the most happiness long term, according to a San Francisco State University study.
4. The Wellness Resolution: 3 Ways to Give Your Career a Kick-start
Identify your passion. In order to move yourself—and your career—forward, you should do some serious self-searching about where you are now. What gets you out of bed every morning to go into work and put in the hours you do? Is it improving people’s lives? Moving a new invention or technology forward? 

“So many people make the mistake of focusing on where they want to be in 10 or 20 years, when pinpointing what they want to achieve in the short-term future is even more important,” says Sjoerd 

“If what drives you into the office each day is simply a paycheck, then you need to be exploring new job opportunities or perhaps even a different field entirely.”

Start adding to your work toolbox. “It’s easy to become complacent about all the skills that you already have, but every time you learn something outside your comfort zone, you become more relevant,” stresses Gehring. It’s advice he takes to heart: Last year, he taught himself a new coding language.

Seek out—and give—feedback. 'Tis the season to be candid. “This time of year, both employers and employees tend to sugarcoat any work issues, which doesn’t help anyone,” explains Gehring. “In fact, I find that the end of the year is the best time to have some sort of informal review, since so many people are already mentally reevaluating their priorities.”
So ask your boss or colleagues to meet with you for an informal one-on-one to go over the past 12 months. “It will give you a good sense of your strengths and weaknesses," says Gehring, "as well as help you map out professional goals for 2018.”
Johnson & Johnson.

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