What Are Boundaries?

Boundaries allow us to say “I’m ok/not ok with that”. They provide a layer of protection to a relationship. If boundaries have never been discussed or established, there is a good chance that invisible lines have been crossed many times. There may be a lot of hurt and conflict in the relationship, but very little understanding on how to resolve it.
How many times have you said “Yes” to something and really meant
“No”? Boundaries help us to say “No” and mean “No”—and stick to it! If
you and/or your partner struggle to set and keep healthy boundaries,
read below for some ideas on where to start setting boundaries in your
Communication is often the biggest issue that couples come to
counseling for. How often do you talk to each other? Think about the
quality of conversation the two of you have. Do you ask your mate about
their day? How often does the cell phone, TV, or computer interfere
with your conversations?
The way that you communicate with one another can be an issue as
well. Think about how much time you spend talking versus listening to
your partner. Do you make eye contact, say please and thank you, and do
you allow your partner to talk without interruption? Make sure that
you both are feeling heard. Are you both deliberate about being
respectful and using an appropriate tone of voice?
Spending time with family can be a sore spot in a lot of
relationships. While your partner’s family may do everything together,
you may have grown up in a family that sees each other only a few times a
year. How involved do you want to be in family activities? You and
your mate need to have conversations about saying “No” and turning down
invitations. What might that balance look like for the two of you?
Another piece to setting boundaries with family is how much you talk
to them about your significant other. Do you call your mom up to
complain every time your partner does something that drives you crazy?
How would your partner feel about that? You and your significant other
need to have discussions about how comfortable you are about sharing
details of your relationship. Where do you draw the line?
Money causes the most arguments with couples. It’s no surprise that
many couples struggle to set appropriate boundaries when it comes to
finances. You and your partner need to work on setting and achieving
financial goals. Think about how the bills get paid and decisions get
made with spending money. Does one partner have all the control? If
this is how it works with you and your partner, there is a very good
chance that there is a lot of miscommunication or disagreements with
where and how money should be spent.
Are you a saver and your partner a spender? This can often cause a
lot of grief in a relationship and disagreements on prioritizing
spending. Make sure that you are constantly having conversations with
your mate about bills, big purchases, and how you are establishing a
savings, rainy day fund, or retirement. Not doing so can cause a lot of
big problems both now and down the road.
Think about the last time you talked about your sex life with your
partner or checked in with them. Have you both communicated your
comfort level, limits, and expectations? If you are thinking about
trying something new in the bedroom, it may be beneficial to have a
conversation before just springing it on your partner. Are you both on
the same page with the frequency of sex?
Are you giving and receiving enough affection from your partner? Are
you comfortable with PDA (public display of affection) and where do you
draw the line? Think about the last time you spent cuddling, holding
hands, or kissing your mate. If it’s hard to recall, you probably need
to work on increasing the frequency and being deliberate. How do you
let your partner know you are thinking about them?
Think about the last time you went on a date night—a real date night.
Are you carving out time to spend together? Make sure that the time
you are spending together is quality time. Attempt to “unplug” from
the technology (no phones, computers, tablets, etc.) so you can spend
uninterrupted time together. It’s amazing how beneficial that can be in
a relationship.
Reflect on the amount of alone time both you and your partner get.
Is it enough for each of you? Are you comfortable with how your
partner chooses to spend their free time? Another topic would be the
amount of time you each spend with your children, and whether you feel
it is fulfilling each of your expectations.
How to Set Boundaries
You may have a better idea of where you need to set some boundaries
in your relationship. The next step is to actually set them. Take some
time to think about what you need from your partner. Don’t assume that
your mate should “just know” what you need from them. Your partner is
not a mind-reader! Make a list if you need to, and slowly start to
address your needs.
When establishing boundaries, communication is key! Set
some time aside to have a conversation with your partner. Approach the
situation with a calm, level head. Avoid using “you-messages” and work
towards compromise.
A side note to this: Please don’t start a conversation about setting
boundaries with your partner when you are angry with them. If you are
stewing about something, you will approach them with contempt and they
will feel attacked. Nothing will be accomplished if you both become
Give your significant other alternatives. Don’t just communicate to
them what you don’t want; make sure to verbalize what you do want.
Again, don’t assume that they should “just know”. Problem solve with
them to find understanding and compromise with different topics and
Allow your mate the opportunity to retort and express what they need
from you. You may find out that they feel the same way with a lot of
the issues you brought up, or they may feel very differently. Either
way, get in the habit of having frequent conversations with your partner
about where boundaries need to be drawn. No matter what, compromise!
It is truly the only successful way to set boundaries with your
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