Tuesday, January 23, 2018

5 ways to deal with smear fear

Whether it's due to the embarrassment factor or concerns that screening will be painful, worryingly high numbers of young women are still choosing to avoid their smear test, which could potentially save their life.
Cervical cancer is the most common cancer in women under 35, and recent research has revealed that nearly a quarter of a million women aged 25 to 29 didn't attend a smear test in England in 2016. Robert Music, Chief Executive Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust says:

e registered with a GP with your current address or you won't receive your invitation."

5 ways to deal with smear fear

Cervical screening needn't be an ordeal. Robert suggests some ways to deal with smear fear.

1. Bring a friend or relative

Don't want to go alone? You can always take a friend of relative with you.
"If a woman is feeling anxious beforehand, they can ask a member of their family or a friend to accompany them. The practice nurse or GP will also be happy to talk through the procedure and any anxieties that they have prior to the

2. Wear something that you're comfortable in

It's natural to be embarrassed, especially if you've never been before. Just let the nurse know how you're feeling and they should be able to reassure you. "For those embarrassed to go, it might help to wear a skirt so that they don't have to completely undress from the waist down. Women should also rest assured that nurses do smear test all the time and have all seen it before."

3. Speak to your nurse if you find it painful

"If women finds the test painful, it's important to let the nurse know. The nurse could apply some more lube to the speculum or in fact they can ask for a smaller sized speculum, which many women don't know they can do. For those who find the test painful due to vaginal dryness, a common symptom during or after the menopause, the nurse could prescribe vaginal oestrogen prior to the appointment."

4. Remember that smear tests aren't a test for cancer

It's a mistake to think that if you have an abnormal smear result means that you have cancer. What it means is that you have changes in some of the cells in your cervix that, if not treated, might develop into cervical cancer in time.
"It's also important to remember that a smear test is not a test for cancer. Between 90-94% of all screening results come back normal, with no abnormalities found. For those with an abnormal results, it very rarely means cancer."

5. Make an appointment AND stick to it

You should receive your invitation to attend for regular screening from your GP surgery. When you book an appointment stick to it – don't forget that your smear is a priority.
"The best time (if possible) for a smear test is in the middle of your menstrual cycle, halfway between one period and the next. This enables the cytologist to examine the best possible cells sample. Most GP surgeries will ask you to book the test yourself, so remember to take your menstrual cycle into account before you book your screening test."

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