Monday, January 22, 2018

Communication Mistakes You Could Be Making With Him

Communication Mistake #1: Over-sharing Your Feelings

This happens when you share YOUR FEELINGS for him first – and often – because you believe this will somehow get him to share his feelings for you in return.

A man has a different emotional process, and this is not a great way to get a man to “open up” to you and get in touch with his feelings.
Excessive talking and sharing your feelings can actually work against you more than it helps you. This is especially the case with a man you’re in a relationship with who is already acting withdrawn and has shut off his feelings from you.
Here’s the deal:
If there’s one thing to keep in mind about a man, it’s that talking more about your feelings for him is NOT the way to get to know HIS feelings about you.
Which leads me to the next common communication mistake.

Communication Mistake #2: Unfounded Expectations

Out of all the things that can go wrong in a relationship, I’ve found that this mistake causes women more pain, frustration, and leads to bad outcomes with a man more than anything else.
I’ve watched it happen over and over with all the women I know – my friends, my sister, women I’ve worked with. I also get TONS of e-mails from women who read my newsletters who write to tell me this all-too-familiar story.
This is when a woman often expects that the relationship will progress to something more committed, but ends up feeling disappointed when she finds out the man doesn’t want the same thing.
“If there’s one thing to keep in mind about a man, it’s that talking more about your feelings for him is NOT the way to get to know his feelings for you.”
This problem usually plays out in one of two ways: The woman knows what she wants out of the relationship but keeps quiet for fear of rocking the boat, hoping everything will just work itself out.
Or, when the woman finds out the guy’s not on the same page with her, she’ll pretend she’s cool with things being just casual.
It’s a slippery slope, and one that leads toward ultimate relationship disaster. Resentment will start to build in the woman until she can’t take it anymore, and she’ll then freak out in a confrontation. That’s when the guy shuts down more than ever or disappears altogether.

Getting Clear About What You Want

The first step in breaking out of these two communication mistakes and preventing a break-up is to get very clear about what you want in a relationship.
Getting clear about what you want will help guide your mind in all kinds of positive directions to help you find and attract the right situations and people in your life.
The next step is being able to communicate your feelings to a man in a way that is not filled with drama and will make him stand up and take notice rather than push him away for good.
There are very specific ways to use your words and body language to do this, and I show you how in my eBook Catch Him and Keep Him.
You’ll learn what works with guys when it comes to communication – how to share your feelings in a way so that you get what you want out of the relationship and don’t wind up with pent-up frustration that leads you to explode.

And I’ll also show you how to identify the good guys so you don’t end up trying to get a commitment out of a guy who’ll never give you one.

Download your copy here: Catch Him and Keep Him risk-free trial. Try it risk-free for seven days and pick up tips you can use right away to communicate with a man so he’ll want to connect with you… not run away from you.


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