Thursday, January 18, 2018

Four Ways you can Manage your Debt - Stanbic IBTC

Tired of living for payday? Reduction in income? Increased monthly Expenses? Recently lost your job?
All of the above can cause panic and stress as month end approaches and debt payments become due. When you are desperate, taking out debt to pay for debt may seem like an easy solution but may soon land you in hot waters with your Creditors.Here are just some of the effective solutions Standard Bank offers that could help you manage your debts:
Payment arrangements
Debt Consolidation
Respread of your arrears
Payment Holiday

Do I need to manage my debts better?

Before diving into an explanation of the above offerings, it is important to ask yourself the question, “Can I manage my debts better”?

Very often we answer the question in the negative, thinking we are able to meet our debts easily. Simply because I can afford to make payment on my Home Loan, Vehicle Finance, Personal Loans and other credit obligations does not necessarily mean I am managing my debts properly. Management of debt is not only for those that have recently had a reduction in income or lost their employment. It is for everyone. That is, unless you are one of the select few that do not want to have more money at the end of the month.

What can I do if I need to manage my debts better?

The first step is to recognize whether or not I would like to manage my debts better because I want more money to live comfortably at the end of the month, or whether I need more money to make sure I get out of the cycle of credit that I am currently stuck in.

Should it be the latter option, then read on to better understand some of the offerings Standard Bank has to assist you.

What is a payment arrangement?

A lower instalment is when an arrangement to pay off your debt over a longer period is agreed between yourself and the Bank. This helps free up some cash which can then be used for your other financial commitments. So, before panicking and letting your accounts become overdue, speak to us and we’ll do what we can to keep you in your home.

Want to find out how to find out how to get a lower instalment on your debt? Chat to one of our bankers by clicking on

What is Debt Consolidation?

This is an option that enables you to combine various debts into a single manageable account. Instead of making payments on various accounts with various interest rates, why not pay a single amount at a single interest rate? You save and prevent going overdue with any of your credit obligations.

To determine if your qualify for a debt consolidation, chat to one of our bankers by click on
What is a respread of arrears?

A respread of arrears is possible if you contact us early enough. If you are overdue by a small amount, contact us and we can possibly assist you in removing your arrears and adding it to our outstanding balance and extending your repayment term. You are then out of arrears and could also be paying an amount less than previously.

What could be better? If you are in arrears and interested in a respread of arrears, chat to one of our bankers by clicking on

What is a payment holiday?

A payment holiday is an option that allows you to take a break from your repayments on a credit agreement for a period of one to three months. During this time, you can save your money and sort out your other credit commitments.

Instead of ignoring an overdue account, chat to us and determine if you qualify for a payment holiday? It’s simple, simply click on

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