Monday, January 29, 2018


I hope your new year has got off to a great start. We’ve hardly finished saying Happy New Year and it’s almost the end of January; how time flies! 
A major factor regarding achieving our goals is that perhaps we all take on far too many commitments. 

We must all learn to say NO. Ask yourself these questions and answer them honestly. 

Do you find it difficult to say NO? 

Do you often say yes to things even when you have no time and just to be accommodating? 

Does your saying yes make you spend much more money than you ought to? 

Do you often lend or give away money when you really can’t afford to do so? 

Do you say yes to attend functions that you really don't wish to attend and don’t enjoy?
Does your saying yes often leave you exhausted and unable to deal with your own priorities in a timely way? 

If you answered YES to 3 or more of the above, there is a problem and you need to do something about it. 

Awareness is the first step to realigning your #decisions and #priorities. Time is money. 

Time is precious. Don’t waste it. At first, saying no might create some internal #guilt

You might even lose some friends.
The tough choices you make today, will help you reach a happier more successful place tomorrow.

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