Monday, January 15, 2018

Mastering the Art of Sexting

The GLAMOUR guide to mastering the art of sexting

Feel like spicing up your sex life? A little sext could go a long way.

Start slow 

If the thought of sexting makes you blush, the good news is that you don’t have to get super graphic right from the first message. Sexting is the digital version of foreplay; the slower you start and the longer it lasts, the more satisfying it’ll ultimately be. Take some time to find your groove, and ease into it. 

Find your voice 

Are you hot and heavy? Or more playful and flirty? Into unleashing more of your wild and wicked side? Decide what tone of voice is more ‘you’ when you’re sexting and go with it. 

Don’t get too literal 

If they want to know what kind of underwear you have on, no need to tell them it’s laundry day and you’re sporting your Bridget Jones best. Black lace is always the right answer, whether you’re wearing it or not. 

On second thoughts…

… No underwear is probably the best answer. 

Speak up 

You know that voice note function on your phone? If you’re feeling brave enough, use it. Who said sexting had to be limited to the written word? 

Send nudes 

But only if you absolutely trust the person on the receiving end! Always leave your face and any distinguishing characteristics (tattoos, piercings, birthmarks) out of any pics you do send, and – please! – triple-check that they’re going to the right person before you hit send. There is literally nothing more awkward. 

Press play 

Yes, people exchange kinky videos. No, you don’t have to if it makes you feel uncomfortable. But if it doesn’t bother you, no reason why you can’t get in on the ‘action’.

Always leave them wanting more 

Feedback on the messages you’re receiving is important (how else will they know you’re into it) but it’s just as important to send messages that elicit a response. Ask questions, leave them hanging, and they’ll come back to you with more of the same. Get it right, and the next time you meet up in person, the results will be nothing short of explosive!

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