Sunday, March 18, 2018

#IssuesOfLife - Issues Of Life "Relationship"

She was 38 years old at the time. She had been in a relationship with him for 6 years. He had never talked marriage,even though they lived together for as long as the relationship has lasted. She had aborted several times for him. She was pregnant again and he asked for another abortion.

No ,she said. But he insisted, even when she said she was getting too old to be aborting babies when she has none at her age .

The man was in his late forties at the time . Never married. Works for the government as a civil servant. He said no to the pregnancy again and again and again. 

The lady got his family and hers involved. If the man wants her to abort then he must sign that he would be responsible if anything happens to her life or her womb. The man refused to sign but would not back down from his wish to terminate the pregnancy. 

The man's mother supported her son. Said the woman is too old for her son to marry . So the lady decided to keep the pregnancy, even without her man's consent. She said even though she isn't working, her older siblings, who are all well to do and love her so much , would take care of the baby.
So she kept the pregnancy and delivered a baby boy. Outstandingly beautiful baby -taking after his mother. 

The church, Catholic Church, would not baptize and bless the baby if they are not wedded in church. Both of them are in the same parish and same choir. 

The man did not want any embarrassment to his family who are all Catholics and who take Catholicism so seriously. He could not stand the thought of his offspring ,his first offspring, not being baptized into the church . So he agreed and wedded the lady in church .The baby was baptized and blessed a week later.

Now, 4 years after ,the woman wants out of the marriage. She says she gets no attention from her man whose womanizing is legendary.

Worse still, the man does not take financial responsibility for the upkeep of the family even though he has a government job. He doesn't pay the children's school fees (now 3 children). He doesn't give feeding money. He doesn't even pay the house rent!

The lady who is not working takes care of everything. Actually, her siblings are the ones helping her out. When their house rent is due, she cries to her siblings who readily help out. When it is time for children school fees, her siblings cover her nakedness. They take away her shame and won't let her children hunger for food. You need to see the kids. So, so lovely and healthy looking . Such beautiful creatures -all taking after their woman. 

The man simply does not care. Some times, he sleeps out. Most times, he returns home with a full stomach and won't even ask if they have eaten. Many days he passes from work to his mother's house to eat before coming home! No love. No care. No more affection. And now he doesn't even give her attention.

She says she is dying and wants out. But God hates divorce, says the church. And I actually agree with the Church. I think that marriage is a "look before you leap" thing. The man had showed all the signs while they were still dating.
I feel for this woman though. It is an odd world sometimes.

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