For over 20 years, I have been studying curiosity. I didn't plan to
be a curiosity researcher. I entered graduate school in 1998 to study
how panic attacks emerge. Upon interviewing people suffering from panic disorder (link is external) I became less interested in what led them to panic and instead intrigued by their unmet desires. An impending fear
of panic attacks led them to avoid certain situations, people, and
objects. Asked about these feared situations, they responded with
regret. The pain of unfulfilled, residual curiosity.

Still wondering whether they missed an opportunity with the attractive guy carrying the little black book with his poems in (link is external) at the back of the classroom...which they never attended again...
Still wondering how Nirvana would have sounded on stage, their one chance before Kurt Cobain died (link is external)...
To my surprise, only a small number of researchers studied curiosity when I started graduate school, and how excessive anxiety impedes
human lust for the new. I switched my focus in the first semester. In
my very first graduate school course, the title of my literature review
paper was "A multidimensional model of curiosity." It was a promise to
integrate the isolated strands of research on curiosity into a single
model. It took a few iterations before I kept that promise.
In 2004, as a graduate student, my colleagues and I created The Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (link is external).
This paper has been cited over 500 times, describing two dimensions of
curiosity. Curiosity is about recognizing and seeking out new
information and experiences, a dimension that we referred to as
Exploration. The problem was with the second dimension that we referred
to as Absorption - the tendency to be fully engaged in activities such
that attention is focused and time moves slower. This happens when we
are curious, but also when listening deeply to an Explosions in the Sky concert (link is external) with eyes shut, or when slowly chewing a 007 sushi roll (link is external). You could be feeling confusion, joy, craving, or awe, and not necessarily curiosity. (link is external) Please stop using this scale. It sucks. I listed it as one of my 5 least favorite publications.
In 2009, we created a
second version of the scale with two curiosity
dimensions—the motivation to seek out knowledge and new experiences
(Stretching) and a willingness to embrace the uncertain and
unpredictable nature of everyday life (Embracing) (link is external). I still believe these two dimensions are essential but this scale failed to capture the comprehensive nature
of curiosity. This is still a useful scale for measuring a slice of
curiosity, which happens to be the largest, influential slice. The slice
that happens to match common definitions and use of curiosity.
During the same year, I wrote a book for the general public titled Curious? (link is external) A
book that captured fundamental discoveries about what curiosity is and
the underappreciated, broad, downstream influences. As a greater number
of scientists started studying curiosity, additional discoveries
emerged. For instance, my research team initiated new studies on the dark side of curiosity and how close friends and strangers view curious people (download it here (link is external)), how curiosity breeds intimacy (download it here (link is external)), how curiosity might serve as an antidote to aggression (download it here (link is external)), and an intriguing study of how curiosity boots well-being upon making progress toward one's goals (a paper that has been relatively ignored - download it here (link is external)).
Finally, six years later, I delivered on the promise I made in my
first semester of graduate school to capture the full bandwidth
of curiosity. Meet The Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale (link is external) (download it here). (link is external)
Upon collecting data from a nationally representative sample of 508
adults, and then 403 adults online, and then another nationally
representative sample of 3,000 adults, we uncovered 5 dimensions of
1. Joyous Exploration - this is the prototype of
curiosity – the recognition and desire to seek out new knowledge and
information, and the subsequent joy of learning and growing.
2. Deprivation Sensitivity - this dimension has a
distinct emotional tone, with anxiety and tension being more prominent
than joy – pondering abstract or complex ideas, trying to solve
problems, and seeking to reduce gaps in knowledge.
3. Stress Tolerance
- this dimension is about the willingness to embrace the doubt,
confusion, anxiety, and other forms of distress that arise from
exploring new, unexpected, complex, mysterious, or obscure events.
4. Social Curiosity - wanting to know what other people are thinking and doing by observing, talking, or listening in to conversations.
5. Thrill Seeking - the willingness to take physical, social, and financial risks to acquire varied, complex, and intense experiences.
It is time to stop using my Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (link is external) and if you only want to capture the first dimension of curiosity in this new model, you can still use the Curiosity and Exploration Inventory-II (link is external).
I ask that you consider the new, improved, comprehensive
Five-Dimensional Curiosity Scale. If not, you will be missing central
elements of curiosity.
And upon treating these dimensions as part of a single profile, we found evidence for 4 types of curious people:
1. The Fascinated - high on all dimensions of curiosity, particularly Joyous Exploration
2. Problem Solvers - high on Deprivation Sensitivity, medium on other dimensions
3. Empathizers - high on Social Curiosity, medium on other dimensions
4. Avoiders - low on all dimensions, particularly Stress Tolerance
Curiosity is far more sophisticated than descriptions in scientific
articles, business books, and media stories. Only by better appreciating
this sophistication can we do justice in cultivating curiosity in
ourselves, the organizations we work in, and the schools dedicated to
raising the next generation.
By Todd B. Kashdan Ph.D.
Download all the details of this research and our new measure here:
Kashdan, T.B., Stiksma, M.C. (link is external),Disabato (link is external), D., McKnight, P.E., Bekier, J., Kaji, J., & Lazarus, R. (in press). The five-dimensional curiosity scale: Capturing the bandwidth of curiosity and identifying four unique subgroups of curious people. Journal of Research in Personality
Sunny topic. Thanks for the good mood.