“If you avoid conflict to keep the peace you start a war inside yourself.” –Cheryl Richardson
Beliefs about what it means to be a good person are very powerful.
They can keep us from having and maintaining fulfilling relationships
with other people. People whose beliefs are motivated by guilt often
fail to set necessary boundaries in their relationships. This guilt
comes from believing that prioritizing oneself over others is wrong.

A recent client of mine reminded me of how powerful our beliefs and
ideas are in determining how we identify ourselves.
My client was
telling me that when she wants to speak up to certain people in her
life, a stream of guilt-based commentary starts pouring in her mind
saying, "Now that isn't nice," or "You should just say yes and do what
they want," or "Come on, is it really that out of your way?" Most of the
time, those thoughts convince her that she’s doing the wrong thing if
she doesn't comply with other people’s requests. But she’s really just
trying to do the right thing for herself. As an exercise, I asked my
client to write a letter to guilt. I had her do this in order to
practice how she would set boundaries in her relationships, starting
with her relationship to guilt.
Here’s what she wrote:
Dear Guilt,
You have found countless ways to make me feel
like a bad person for not complying with others’ every wish, even if it
isn't something that I want to do. You burn within my gut when I say
"no" to someone even when I know saying "no" is the right thing to do.
You sometimes go as far as to convince me that I am a bad person, even
when I know I am not. You have your way of wiggling into my life, you
take control of my actions, and you allow me to comply with doing things
for other people to please them instead of myself.
I am finally going to take a stand and begin
to set boundaries in my relationships and that boundary setting starts
with placing limits around you. You sometimes make me feel like I don't
have a choice when really I do. I have noticed by giving into you, I
become resentful because I let people walk all over me. Somehow I have
been led to believe that I am only a good person if I do that. Guilt, I
am not a mean person. I am actually a good person; you may never see
that in me, and that is okay because that is your job. I just wanted to
let you know that I cannot let you run my life decisions anymore. You
are harming my relationships and my ability to be my own person. So I
apologize but I will be ignoring you when you try to sneak your
commentary in and I don't agree with you. I will be available to hear
you out when I am in need of your opinion.
Like my client, we all can benefit from recognizing the ways in which
guilt tries to keep us trapped, preventing us from setting limits in
our relationships. This is especially important because guilt will
convince us that saying yes in order to please others is a good thing
that doesn’t need to be changed. The main intention behind feeling
guilty is a good one—to live life in the "right" direction—but sometimes
all it really does is damage your relationships and keep you from being
your own person. People-pleasers are especially affected by feelings of
guilt and a need to be needed. They feel responsible for other people’s
feelings and are compelled to be a good person all the time, which
feeds the urge to say yes, even when they really want to say no. Guilt
can trick us into thinking we can successfully ignore our needs and take
on other people's responsibilities; but after a while, those people
will rely on us more and more, weighing us down.
When you set appropriate boundaries and stop taking on other people's
responsibilities, they're left with no choice but to complete their own
tasks, resolve their own problems, and find their own resources. At
first, you’ll probably feel guilty about this, but it will help to
remember that this means other people will take more responsibility for
themselves, which will improve their functioning and ability to do for
Thinking about your relationships this way can help you gain some
objectivity about the emotional processes within those relationships,
helping you make decisions that aren’t motivated by guilt. You have to
be confident
enough to put boundaries in place and hold other people accountable for
their decisions and actions. If you step in and take that
responsibility, you'll quickly feel worn out, undervalued, and
resentful. As Brene Brown states in The Gifts of Imperfection,
"It's also impossible to practice compassion from a place of resentment.
If we're going to practice acceptance and compassion, we need
boundaries and accountability." You must set boundaries in your most
intimate relationships so that you can feel accepted, heard, and loved.
Part of feeling connected to someone is allowing him or her to truly see
you and what you're all about. If you live to please everyone and don't
speak your truth, you'll feel alone and invisible. And guess what?
You'll have been the one who put on the invisibility cloak.
A big part of figuring out who you are is learning about your limits.
Once you know what they are, you can set appropriate boundaries with
other people. Below is some advice on how to build boundaries. Let this
serve as a reference when you need to be reminded of this in your
relationships. A good book on setting boundaries is Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life, by Henry Cloud and John Townsend.
- Know your limits.
- Be firm.
- Know that you're worthy.
- Change your role in your relationships.
- Make time for yourself.
- Apply the boundaries.
- Don't expect to become a master at setting boundaries overnight.
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