A man pays a lot of attention and focus towards the woman he likes,
noticing details about her appearance. In her physical appearance, he
looks for details that might tell him how a relationship with said woman
would be and chooses the one he thinks will provide him with a healthy

How the legs of a woman are shape can tell how she would behave in
bed. This is a normal thing, since everything is based on understanding
the anatomy of a human and the connection between people such as their
constitution and hormonal setup.
So, just how exactly do women’s legs define their sexual behavior and
preference? Place your feet close to each other and look at your legs
in the mirror to find out:
Type A
There is only one gap between your legs starting from a little higher
than the middle of the calves and ending at the ankles.
A widespread
belief is that the smaller the gap between the legs of a woman, the more
comfortable and pleasurable she will be in bed.
So, based on this, these women are very gentle. Their femininity,
kindness and tenderness is what attracts the men towards them. They want
the men to do all the work, as they do not like to take the initiative,
as well as being shy. Women with such legs should try to be a little
more active, as most men become easily bored and it might be dangerous
for their relationships.
Type B

However, they will support their partner if he wants to try something
new. Men prefer such women given their ability to give them confidence.
Type C
These women have legs that touch only at their ankles. As such, they
like the element of the game in their relationships as well as acquiring
new experiences. They are bold, adventurous and brave.
They are not afraid to take the lead in a relationship, but sometimes
such excessive behavior and courage may scare men away.
Hence, they
should learn to control themselves at such times.
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