I hear these questions in one way or another every time I talk to a
twin. And quite frankly I have always wondered and worried if I could
have helped my twin more. Or, “Why didn’t she support me or rescue me
when I needed her?” When do I get to be the center of attention?

Issues of how much one twin deserves from the other is a
basic dilemma between the pair that begins at birth or maybe in the
womb. Memories
of closeness from hours-on-end of childhood playing; double trouble fun on parents, siblings and friends; playing sports; and doing homework together leave an indelible mark on identity for twins. Recalling twin closeness can bring back blissful memories well into adulthood.
From working together, common goals
lead to child-focused shared decisions. Unspoken but understood through
feelings and actions, young twins take on roles related to who is
responsible for doing what. For example, Mike is more outgoing and talks for the pair. Matt is the organizer who does the planning for the pair. Or Sally is the caregiver
and Susan is in charge of fun and adventure. Of course there are other
divisions of responsibility that revolve around the family structure and
the inherent personality
differences in each child. What happens when twins want to find their
own path without their sister or brother? I can tell you it is very hard
to fill in the gaps that your twin took responsibility for. The journey
of the caretaker twin involves learning how to take care of him- or
herself first. The impulsive twin’s path to self-reliance involves learning self-control.
In childhood, twins learn that they are more secure when
they take care of or rely on one other no matter what. Surprisingly, but
in the realm of my own experiences, young twins will fight like cats
and dogs and still need to sleep in the same room. Sometimes sleeping together is the only thing that young twins can agree on. (I forgot until now that my twin and I always shared a bedroom.)
Growing up and developing a unique sense of self makes unilateral decision making
unrealistic. Conflicts develop if you don’t put your twin first. New
friends and new interests divide twin loyalties. In my experience,
siblings do not have intense struggles over loyalty and disappointments
or the responsibility to take care of one another.
As differences between twins develop in adulthood
feelings of betrayal become more exaggerated. One twin marries and
leaves the other behind. Deep sadnesses are experienced by each twin,
who suffer in different ways while actually enjoying being apart and
experiencing life from a different angle. Children, careers, success and
disappointments continue to make abject loyalty impossible. Fighting
begins and may never end. “Who is right?” and “Who is not right?”
consume adult twins and may be the cause of estrangement. Detailed
communication between the pair is common but in most instances
unsuccessful when decisions that affect both are involved.
“Who is the center of attention?” creates guilt and unhappiness for both when the primitive and primary attachment
of sharing is not possible. The impulsive twin can never get enough
from others. The caretaker twin does not know how to ask for his or her
share, always assuming he or she will get the leftovers. Life teaches
twins how to be the individual center of attention when an emergency
arises. For example, the center of attention is determined by the event,
such as the child who is ill, or a parent who needs one twin and not
the other. Both twins out of necessity build their own separate identity
that is totally individual. What lags behind or stays behind is the
shared twin identity that won’t or can’t grow up.
Giving up twin identity patterns with others—thinking, perhaps
unconsciously, that your new partner needs to be treated as your
twin—can monopolize your psychological real estate. It is easy for twins
to remain living in the past, hanging on to twin closeness. Seeing
others as capable of a close connection is important and very difficult.
Success as an individual requires determination and support from
family, friends and therapists. Getting over the idea that you can’t be
okay if your twin is not okay takes twins a lot of time and energy that
singletons can never imagine unless they are very invested in healing
their companion. Feeling that you “must” do something to make close
others happy is a serious problem in adulthood.
In my experiences with my sister and listening to the
stories of many, many other twins, I know how hard it is to accept that
you can’t make things better. Your relationship with your twin is what
it is and wishing that it was better or that you could explain your
point of view clearly is understandable. Unfortunately it is impossible
to change your twin. And why would you want to anyway? You have to tame
your childhood need or identity to see the world through the same
perceptual field and emotional sensitivity as your twin. Put your
childhood twin identity in the past. Agree to disagree.
I have found that as twins grow older the pain of being
different diminishes. The childhood twin identity fades into the
background but is always indelible.
www.estrangedtwins.comBarbara Klein, Ph.D., Ed.D., is an author and psychologist who has done extensive research on the development of twin identity.
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