If you've ever knelt over a mirror and been shocked
by what you saw, or compared yourself unfavourably to the limited
imagery available on the internet, you are not alone. While most of us
know roughly what a penis looks like by the time we reach our teens,
vaginas are notoriously mysterious and, from birth, women are taught to
be secretive, shy and even ashamed about what sits between their legs.

With limited imagery available for comparison, it
can be difficult to know what ‘normal’ looks like. The tightly packed
and habitually hairless labia portrayed in porn films does nothing to
help the cause, leaving women feeling insecure and men with unrealistic
expectations about female genitalia.
Designer vaginas
quest for the perfect vagina has gained momentum and over the past
decade the number of women opting for labiaplasties has increased
exponentially. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), labiaplasty procedures spiked in 2016, with 45 per cent more surgeries carried out than the previous year.
surgical procedure to trim the inner lips of the vulva, while some
women choose to surgically modify the size of their labia for medical
reasons (such as discomfort or pain during sex), many women opt for
surgery for cosmetic purposes.
What is a normal vagina?
you are concerned about the size, shape, colour or appearance of your
vagina, you needn’t be. Vaginas are a mixed bag and the most important
thing is that it functions normally.
‘As with
the rest of the human body, vaginas come in all shapes and sizes. From
labia and odour, to elasticity and colour, there is no such thing as
‘normal’,’ says Dr Vanessa Mackay of the Royal College of Gynaecologists.
‘Women are constantly subjected to images of the ‘ideal’ body which can
result in a loss of confidence and doubt about how their own vagina
‘Part of this insecurity stems from
not talking to each other about what they see projected in the media,’
she adds. ‘By being more open with each other, women will understand
that there is no such thing as normal and this will only have a positive
impact on their intimate health, body image or sex lives. In fact, a
recent survey by Vagisil found that over a fifth (21%) of women that
have spoken openly about their vagina say it has helped boost their
If Dr Mackay hasn’t managed to convince you, the
largest study ever conducted on vulvas recently made it official: there
is no such thing as a ‘normal’ vagina. Researchers from Lucern Cantonal
Hospital in Switzerland measured 650 women between the ages of 15 and
84. The study uncovered such a wide variation, that offering any kind of
average would misrepresent the reality of most women and proves that
there is not a standard size or shape to aspire to.
When should I worry about my vagina?
you experience pain, discomfort, itching or a burning sensation, you
don’t need to worry about your vagina. ‘Labia minora (the inner lips
that surround the vaginal opening) come in a whole range of different
lengths from woman to woman,’ says says Dr Shirin Lakhani, aesthetic
doctor and owner of Elite Aesthetics.
‘There is often a significant difference between
the left and right labia minora - so it’s completely normal if yours are
different sizes. Both the clitoris and the labia majora also both vary
broadly in size and of course, your vagina’s width and length adjust
during intercourse and birth.
‘If someone has a
genuine problem whether that is how they feel about the appearance of
their labia, the laxity or stress-urinary incontinence then there are a
number of treatments available which can offer a real solution for
this,’ she adds.
If you have any concerns,
visit your GP, local family planning clinic or ask your doctor to refer
you to an NHS gynaecologist to reassure you.
Will childbirth stretch my vagina?
vagina is highly elastic so during labour, your vagina will stretch to
accommodate your baby, but the changes that occur are usually temporary.
‘It is important to remember that the vagina
has evolved to stretch to accommodate the penis for intercourse as well
as childbirth. But it won’t take long for your vagina to snap back to
its previous shape,’ explains Dr Lakhani.
number of factors contribute to the elasticity of the vagina – Your
vagina may become slightly looser as you age or have children, but
overall, the muscles expand and retract just like an accordion or a
rubber band,’ adds Dr Lakhani.
‘Keeping up with
pelvic floor exercises is important to maintain the integrity of the
muscles, but ultimately, they are only effective if they are done
frequently and correctly.’
Pelvic floor exercises
Otherwise known as Kegel exercises, pelvic floor exercises
can help tone your vaginal and pelvic floor muscles after giving birth.
This simple move is also useful for preventing incontinence and can
heighten sexual pleasure. Here’s how to strengthen your pelvic floor:
- To locate your pelvic floor, contract the muscles you use when you’re trying not to pee. Working these muscles (provided you don’t actually need to pee) can strengthen the whole area.
- To strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, isolate the area and squeeze the muscles 10-15 times in a row.
- Try to breathe normally and relax all of the other surrounding muscles at the same time.
- For maximum impact, try to hold each squeeze for a few seconds.
- Add these exercises into your daily routine, but build the frequency and duration gradually. You can do them while sitting at your desk or watching TV.
- After a few months, you should start to notice better bladder control and stronger muscles in the pelvic floor and vagina area.
- Like all muscles, they need to be maintained, so keep doing your daily squeeze even once your pelvic floor muscle feels stronger.
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