Monday, March 4, 2019

Mrs. Sowemimo Becomes First Nigerian Female Pilot to Fly Boeing 787

An author and ophthalmologist, Austin O'Malley, in his book, Keystones of Thought, wrote: "Talent is a tenant in the house owned by genius." 

For Mrs. Adeola Ogunmola Sowemimo, she has demonstrated the popular aphorism that
no one honours or respects a talent that is concealed.

She has clearly proved to the world that she is a genius who has successfully managed her talent through hard work and ingenuity. 

Mrs. Adeola Ogunmola Sowemimo of Qatar Airways is the first Nigerian female pilot to fly the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

The Nigerian pilot is now a pacecetter, becoming the first Nigerian female pilot to fly the aircraft across the Atlantic. 

Mrs. Sowemimo has joined the league of record-breakers in African aviation industry like Kenya’s Capt. Irene Koki (Boeing Girl); Ethiopia’s Capt. Amsale Gulau; among other African women who fly Boeing 787 Dreamliner. 

Capt. Koki once told me in an interview that her breakthroughs had broken down the barriers since becoming the first female Boeing pilot in Africa. 

 "I'm comfortable doing what I do - whether it's during late business hours, days off and my hours of work - everything goes well for me..." 

Let's welcome Mrs. Sowemimo to the League of Boeing Girls in Africa. 

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