Thursday, April 18, 2019


I had an argument with my friend the other day about smart phones. My opinion was that most phone owners underuse their phones.

Beyond making calls, sending text messages and using a few applications, most phones are not utilized optimally.

The reason I think
is that most smart phone users do not read the product manual or understand recent upgrades made in the new versions of their phones. They don't even know what they are handling. They just underestimate what they have in their hands. Some are using 2G networks on phones with 4G capacity.

It is the same with human beings, we are created with so much uniqueness, power and glory potentials but you find mediocrity and under performance everywhere in the world. Ask yourself, why I'm I not doing well?
Your maker and producer, who is God in heaven made you in his own image, he confirmed that who he created "was good". He says you are beautifully and wonderfully made.
God created you specially with a mission different from any of the person in the world? You were planned before birth. The bible says very clearly that you were purposefully, personally, orderly planned and designed by God. You’re not an accident.
Do you know God created you as a world changer, pacesetter, pathfinder, record breaker, history maker?
Do you know the powers God gave you at your birth? He said you will have dominion (Gen 1: 26, 28) He said you will rule in the midst of your enemies (Ps 110:2), He said you will rule over your oppressors (Is 14:2), He said you will thread upon serpents and scorpions (Lk 10:19), He said as long as you are born of him, you will overcome (I John 5:4)

As my Father, Rev Ntia Ntia wrote, Do you know that all the failures and setbacks of your past has not damaged what God put inside you?

You are who God says you are. You are a success. You are a champion not a failure, you are a Victor not a victim, you are the head and not the tail, you have dominion, you are a King destined to reign, you are more than a conqueror. So, what has gone wrong?

Why you are not living to your potentials is because you are like an unused SIM card, you have not not activated yourself according to your manual in creation.
You have inferiority and wrong self image, you have succumbed to fear and intimidation, you are wallowing in self pity and helplessness.

You can become great if you drop your bogus and unrealistic imaginations, rather start small with what is possible and available. You are giving too many excuses and complaints. "The sluggard will not plough by reason of the cold; therefore he will beg...and have nothing" (Probs 20:4).

You are underperforming because of pride and arrogance, you disregard caution and correction, you are always in the wrong company and negative people. Wrong company limits destiny capacity.
So, what should you do now? Go back to your manual of creation. Return to Jesus. Read, learn, dig deep. Learning is the key to reigning.

Deliver excellent results in all your performance. Excellent results cancels insults, excellent results commands respect, excellent results attracts reward.

Do have a beautiful day
Aniekeme Finbarr

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