Monday, October 12, 2020

Don't be an ostrich. Embrace change

 Do you sometimes feel or behave like an ostrich burying your head in the sand as the virus continues to plague the world?

People change, industries change, the competition changes, life changes, the world has changed. In order to survive, we all need to evolve and adapt.

The business model that has worked well for you for the past few years has been turned on its head in 2020. When last did you review your business plan? Plans should be reviewed and assessed periodically and certainly after drastic change.

It is so easy to get stuck in a way of doing things and it can be very hard to let go.

Take a critical look at your business model; be honest with yourself - is it working? Explore your options?
What you cannot do is just sit there doing things the same way and wishing your challenges away. Be intentional about tackling them.

Whilst you are sitting there, opportunities are floating by. The great thing is that you have what it takes to seize them.
What are you waiting for?
Have a great week!

#businessplan #business #threats #bepositive #youcan #opportunities #businessmodel #change
#changemanagement #challenges #SWOT #ostrich

1 comment:

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