Monday, November 9, 2020

Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia): Health Benefits and Uses

Tongkat ali is an herbal remedy that has been a part of traditional native to Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. The root of the tree contains compounds called quassinoids and alkaloids and is the part of the tree that is used medicinally medicine for centuries.

It’s often used to treat a variety of ailments, including fevers, erectile dysfunction, and bacterial infections. Also consumed in dietary supplements, tea, energy beverages, or in coffee drinks.

Health Benefits of 
Tongkat Ali 
Most of the alleged health benefits of tongkat ali are not well researched, but some studies suggest that it may help treat male infertility, improve mood, and increase muscle mass.

Erectile Dysfunction and Low Libido:

Tongkat ali is often touted as a remedy for erectile dysfunction. There’s some preliminary evidence that it may help.

For instance, in a small double-blind study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, researchers found that 12 weeks supplementation of a product containing a Eurycoma longifolia extract and Polygonum minus (an antioxidant) helped to enhance sexual performance and erectile function.2

Another study, also published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, suggests that tongkat ali extract aids low libido and erectile function.3 The study involved 109 men between 30 and 55 years of age and found that the extract may help increase erectile function, sexual libido, sperm motility, semen volume. Loss of fat mass in those men who were overweight was also noted.


Tongkat ali may increase muscle mass and strength due to its purported effects on testosterone levels. As a result, it is sometimes used to boost athletic performance, physical strength, and to promote fat loss.

In a preliminary study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, researchers found that 100mg/day of a Eurycoma longifolia extract for 5 weeks increased muscle mass and strength in men participating in an intensive strength training program compared to those who participated in the program alone.4

Tongkat ali may also help to increase muscular strength in older adults, according to a pilot study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2014. For the study, 13 men and 12 women between the ages of 57 and 72 took 400mg of a tongkat ali extract daily for 5 weeks. At the study’s end, tongkat ali was found to have raised free and total testosterone levels and muscular force.5

A 2010 study involving male recreational athletes, however, found that 150mg/day for 7 days before an endurance run (plus an hour before the run) didn’t increase endurance compared to a placebo.6

Tongkat Ali for Infertility:

Tongkat ali also shows promise in the treatment of infertility, suggests a preliminary study published in the Asian Journal of Andrology in 2010.

Researchers found that 200mg/daily supplementation with Eurycoma longifolia in men for 3 to 9 months resulted in higher semen volume, sperm concentrations, the percentage of normal sperm morphology, and sperm motility, and resulted in spontaneous pregnancy in 11 of the participants' partners after treatment.7

Stress Relief From Tongkat Ali:

Some research suggests that tongkat ali may help to relieve stress. The available research includes a small study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

Investigators assessed stress hormones and mood state in 63 people before and after taking a tongkat ali supplement for 4 weeks and found significant improvements in the mood states of tension, anger, and confusion as well as decreased salivary cortisol and increased testosterone in those taking the tongkat ali extract.1

Late-Onset Hypogonadism:

Tongkat ali may improve symptoms of late-onset hypogonadism, according to a study published in Andrologia. For the study, 76 people with late-onset hypogonadism were given 200mg of a standardized tongkat ali extract for one month. Results suggested that the tongkat ali extract improved scores on the Aging Males' Symptoms scale and testosterone levels.

Side Effects of Tongkat Ali Dosage:

The studies that have been done have typically used doses of 200mg per day for up to nine months. Noted side effects include restlessness, anxiety, and insomnia.

Since tongkat ali may raise testosterone levels, it should not be used by people with conditions that would be adversely affected by higher testosterone levels such as heart disease, hormone-sensitive cancers, liver or kidney disease, or sleep apnea.9

Additionally, tongkat ali should not be used by pregnant or nursing women, children, or those with medical conditions. People with weakened immune systems should also avoid tongkat ali. The herb may interact with medication (such as blood pressure medication, anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications, drugs that lower blood sugar or insulin levels, and immunosuppressant drugs), and other supplements.

Concerns have been raised about mercury and lead contamination in tongkat ali products. According to one study, 26% of products tested contained 0.53–2.35 ppm of mercury and did not comply with the quality requirements in Malaysia.

1 comment:

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