Friday, May 29, 2009

Onney A*K*A Houston’s Own Poetic Diva

About Onney A*K*A Houston’s Own Poetic Diva

“I am intellectually impressed by your diversity and ability to impregnate my psyche. With thoughts that are healthy for my spirit. Dissipating any doubt, Causing me to surrender my love without hesitation, bringing fourth revelations, Of circumstantial confusion, Now my mental is having multitudes of illusions” Onney from her book Infinite Silhouettes. Onney, The Poetic Diva, addresses a wide range of life’s issues that concern us all. She is an insightful hip - hop poetess who uses her incendiary vocal skills to take us into the erotica of love and the morass of social and political issues that concern us all. Her observations are laced with a wisdom beyond her years and sautéed in humor that holds the listener or the reader rapt.

Onney has performed at venues across the country opening for The Isley Brothers, Angela Winbush, Little Man and many more. She is featured on well known Houston rapper Kiotti’s new CD entitled “Almost Famous”. Onney is also perfecting her craft in journalism as the Entertainment Editor and columnist for the “Houston Sun Newspaper”. She currently Hosts for a T.V. show “Texas Luxury Suites” a show that showcases the excellent talent in Texas. She is also Co-Hosting & Co-Directing “What’s Happening T.V.”, a show that is currently in Pre-Production along with CEO/Host Jennifer J. In all of theses accomplishments, Onney is simply extending the roots of the musical dynasty into which she was born, the celebrated Laws family. Like Ronnie, Hubert, Eloise, and Debra she has created a strong following early in her career. Through her publishing company “Onney Publishing & Performances ©” she has recently published her own poetic book entitled “Infinite Silhouettes” as well as works from other authors such as Melanie Wilson, Howard McAfee and more. Her upcoming album “BeYouFeeMusic” which features her hit single “October” is set to be released later this year and will do much to set Onney firmly in place as a recording and literary force in the popular culture for years to come. She features artist such as Queensley Felix, Jolivette, and Deep Blu See to name a few. "Onney" (Lanora C. Laws) was born and raised in Houston Texas. Onney is a author spoken word artist, actress, model and songwriter.

She displays multiple talents from Rap, R&B and Literal Writing. Onney is a member of Houston-Poets.Com association out of Houston, Texas. Onney addresses social, political, spiritual, romantic and comical issues through the art of spoken word and literature. What Poetry Means to Onney... "Poetry and song defines the intellectual capacity of ones being. It is the prophecy of one's thoughts, dreams, hopes and aspirations. Poetry can encompass many things, such as being an inspiration for freedom of speech through the art of writing and spoken-word. Poetry involves the creation of a broader imagination while targeting the reality of real life circumstances. Poetry is the art of music and spoken word"...Onney

Real success is not merely a matter of getting what you want. After all, a newborn infant with a loud cry can accomplish that. Real success comes from fully being who you are. Real success comes from giving your own unique value to life. The less you need, the more fulfilled and powerful and effective you are. As your peacefulness increases, so does your energy level. Choose not to let the small things anger you, or annoy you, or distract you. And keep in mind that most things are small things...:You cannot ever fully control everything that happens, and in fact you would not want to do so. Enjoy true success by learning how to take whatever happens, and to make it work for the good of all concerned. You attract what you are willing to accept. And you are willing to accept that with which you are the most familiar. You are the most familiar with the things upon which you focus the energy of your thoughts. So where are you directing those thoughts in this moment?

Are your thoughts filled with worry about what you do not want? Then you'll soon grow to accept those undesirable things as inevitable, and attract them into your life. Instead, fill your thoughts with eager anticipation for the good and desirable things you know are possible. That will open you to accept those blessings, and they will then flow into your life. With your thoughts, become intimately familiar with the exact details of the life you wish to lead. And those details will surely assemble themselves into the meaningful life you seek.

Any task can become effortless when you let go of all your resistance to it. Creativity and effectiveness come easily and naturally when there is nothing blocking them. Do you resent the things you will be doing today? Then not only will you be miserable all day, you will end up with very little to show for your efforts. Choose instead to eagerly and enthusiastically embrace each task, each activity, and each situation. Fully accept whatever you are doing, and you will give it great value. Make your efforts effortless by letting them happen and letting them be. Let life freely flow, and you will go anywhere you desire.

This is the most important day in your life. Because this is the day that you are now living. If your life is headed in an undesirable direction, this is the day you can change it. If there are dreams you are longing to fulfill, this is the day you can follow them. This day, right now, is the day when you can put to use all the knowledge, experience and wisdom you've accumulated. On this very day, you can do the things you've been meaning to do and connect with the people you've been meaning to see.Of all the days you've ever lived, and of all the days to come, this is the one special day that now matters the most. For it is on this very day that you can now think and speak and act and love and live.

Anything that annoys you gives you the opportunity to build patience. Anything that interrupts or delays your plans gives you the opportunity to strengthen your level of acceptance. Challenges provide you with the chance to learn new skills. Disappointments can help you open yourself to new, more valuable options. Many of life's best treasures do not seem to be treasures at all when they first arrive. They gain their value as you accept them and find ways to make positive use of them.

Whatever may come your way, it is an opportunity to live more fully. Know that there's value in every twist and turn, and you'll surely tap into that value. In your mind you can go anywhere. And where your mind consistently goes, the rest of your life will follow. There is no limit to what you can imagine. And what you imagine, you have already begun to create. Allow your thoughts to travel often to beautiful and magnificent places. In your mind, construct all the rich details of the life you wish to live. Set your imagination free, and it will show you who you are. Let imagination guide your efforts, and your dreams will be fulfilled.


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