Monday, October 29, 2012

Chinatown Pho restaurant fight: Plates fly as brawl breaks out

Plates sailed through the air and women threw punches after an intense brawl broke out at Toronto Chinatown eatery Pho Xe Lua early Saturday morning.
A group of at least six people dressed in Halloween get-ups began exchanging blows as the restaurant erupted in shouts and onlookers cheered from the sidelines. One man in SWAT attire threw a plate that hit a woman squarely in the face.
One man who was at the restaurant with a group of friends captured the 3 a.m. fight in a two-minute video. (WARNING: violent content, contains profanity. YouTube offers restricted access to the video)

“I came in and we saw people arguing. Apparently they were arguing about space and seating because the restaurant was pretty packed and small. They were shouting at each other to move out of the way,” he said. “A guy in a green shirt threw a menu across the table and that’s how it started.”
In the video, a waitress in a red shirt tried to break up the fight, using her body as a barrier between the two groups. She moved aside when two women started throwing punches at each other.

A restaurant employee said the waitress was unharmed. “Only plates were broken. You know … Teenagers,” he said with a laugh.
Police reported that a woman in her 20s sustained cuts to her face and required medical attention.

They are looking for a light-skinned Asian male suspect described as having a muscular build, 20 to 25 years of age, 5’8 to 5’9, clean-shaven, with short black hair that is shaved on all sides. He has a multi-coloured tattoo on his left bicep. He was wearing a Halloween costume vest with the word “SWAT” written on the back.
The profanity-laced video was posted on YouTube on Saturday and went viral garnering almost 60,000 views by Sunday night.

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