Some people need eight
hours. Others can exist on four. But the bottom line is that everybody needs
sleep - it is as essential as breathing and eating. Yet, despite decades of
study, scientists still do not know why we do it.
However, there are some
intriguing clues and theories. One obvious clue is that we all feel better
after a good night’s sleep, and much worse if deprived of a decent night’s
rest. In humans the need for sleep gets so strong after a few days that nothing
will keep you awake – with reports of people falling asleep standing up, even
whilst being kicked or having intolerably loud music played at them. Within
days of having no sleep, people report confusion, forgetfulness and
hallucinations. (In case you are wondering, the world record for going without
sleep is eleven
But saying that we sleep
because we are tired is rather like saying we eat because we are hungry – it is
why we sleep, but not necessarily why we need it.
Memory aid
One theory that has emerged
in recent years is that sleep helps us to process and consolidate new memories. Our
memory system is a psychological wonder, and several studies have suggested
that sleep provides some behind-the-scenes maintenance.
For instance, Matthew Walker
and colleagues from the University of California gave volunteers aptitude
tests like remembering sequences of patterns fired at them on a computer. Half
the volunteers learned these patterns in the morning, and half in the evening.
To test their memories he got them back into the lab – the morning learners
returned after a full day of being awake, the evening learners came back after
a night's sleep. Sure enough, those
who were allowed to sleep had better recall of the test patterns.
By the way, there is good
news for siesta or powernap lovers. Similar comparisons indicate that you can
get a memory boost from a
daytime nap. So, if you have been studying or working hard in the morning,
do not be too hard on yourself if you fancy closing your eyes for a while.
One school of thought is
that sleep aids our memories by refreshing and reorganising them without
interfering with our waking thoughts. Evidence comes from several studies using
methods that record the brain directly. For instance, when rats were trained to
find their way around a maze, their brains produced the same activity patterns
during sleep as when they had carried out the task – suggesting
that the brain was reconstructing the experience.
A rest might help ease bad experiences, too.
study published last year by Walker’s group has posed the
intriguing suggestion that the brain might also deal with the memory of
unpleasant or traumatic events during sleep (3).
Dream on
From this we also gain an
important insight into the fascinating phenomenon of dreams. These crazy
adventures our minds have while we are sleeping may be a product of our
memories randomly activating so as to keep them fresh, and of the mind seeking
connections between all the things we have recently experienced. This could
also explain why hallucinations accompany sleep deprivation. Without the
opportunity to reorganise our memories during sleep, dreams intrude into our
waking lives, causing difficulty in distinguishing our inner lives from
Much of this is informed
speculation. It is likely that as well as fine-tuning our brains, our bodies
use this opportunity to carry out a list of housekeeping tasks, for instance,
repairing damaged cells.
But some scientists argue
that the purpose of sleep may not be restorative. In fact, they argue that the
very question "why do we sleep?" is mistaken, and that the real
question should be "why are we awake?". If you are safe and warm and
fed, it is a waste of energy to be awake and moving around (and possibly
getting into trouble). Far better, this argument goes, is to be awake only when
you have to and sleep when it suits you (4).
One thing is certain, not
only do we have to sleep, but it is good for your mind and body as well. Although
everyone needs a different amount of sleep, the average is about seven hours –
and people who sleep a lot less than this are at a higher risk of various
illnesses, such as heart disease, and a shortened lifespan.
So instead of feeling guilty
the next time you fancy a nap, think about how much good it will do you.
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