Nothing makes the skin crawl
more than the idea that tiny bloodsucking bugs could be living in our bedrooms.
Around the size of a lentil, the common bed bug*, Cimex lectularius, can
drink up to seven times its own weight in blood in one feeding, leave nasty,
itchy bumps on their human hosts, and hide unseen for months on end.
Since the late 1990s, the
bed bug has become an increasingly common urban nuisance in homes and hotels
worldwide. A 2010
survey from the University of Kentucky and the National Pest
Management Association found that 95% of US pest control companies had treated
a bed bug infestation in the previous year, up from 25% a decade before, and
11% before that. Only last month, New York’s Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, a resource for other people with bed bug infestations, had to
fumigate one of its floors.
According to the survey, the
majority of pest control operators from Europe, Africa, Australia and North
America said bed bugs were the most difficult insect pest to control, more so
than ants, termites and even the formidable cockroach. Another study showed
that in
London alone, bed bug treatments grew by a quarter each year between 2000
and 2006.
The worst aspect about this
is that we thought we had tackled the bed bug problem before. Clive Boase, a
pest management consultant in Suffolk and author of the London survey, says
that UK bedbug numbers began decreasing in the 1930s, thanks to changes in
social housing and public health policies, which led to the demolition of old
publicly-funded housing and teams of inspectors checking homes for vermin,
respectively. New pesticides introduced in the 1940s, including DDT, also helped to bring numbers
down, and by the 1950s infestations were rare. The US saw a similar drop in
infestations from the late 1940s onwards, thanks to the advent and widespread
use of DDT and other chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides.
So, where is the chemical
cure this time around? Or, is there any relief to be found in the myriad bed
bug products and services on the market, from growth regulators to heat
Fighting resistance
The pesticides currently
available, says Dini Miller, an entomologist and bed bug expert from Virginia
Tech, are “not practical to use in a widespread way because of the cost.” New,
cheaper pesticides are too expensive and time consuming to develop, she adds.
Because bed bugs live primarily in the bedroom, chemical companies must provide
extensive toxicity data to prove it is safe for indoor use, as it might come
into contact with people or pets.
But, proving that a
pesticide works and is safe could cost a company up to $256 million over eight
to ten years for each active ingredient, according to a 2010 industry
study conducted for Crop Life America and the European Crop
Protection Association. The investment may not be worth it. The US accounts for over a fifth
of the world’s pesticide use, the vast majority of which is used in
agriculture, followed by herbicides and then insecticides. Compared to the vast
expanse of farmland and orchards, the real estate of all of the apartments and
houses in the world combined is small and brings in less money, says Miller.
This is especially a problem considering patent protection on a novel
ingredient runs out after around 20 years, after which the tech is open to
generic competitors.
Even if making a new bed bug
insecticide were lucrative, there are other challenges. There is the problem of
figuring out how a chemical has to function in order to best kill bed bugs
cheaply, efficiently and safely. This requires intimate knowledge of the bed
bug’s basic biology. But, because bed bugs were at such low levels for decades,
interest in studying them waned. Starting in the early 2000s, once it was clear
the resurgence was real and that bed bugs weren’t going anywhere, scientists
had to relearn bed bug basics from scratch, starting with fundamental aspects
as how to raise them in a lab.
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