A rare solar eclipse allowing a view of the Sun that was totally or
partially blocked by the Moon took place Sunday and was first visible in the
southern United States (U.S.), before sweeping east across the Atlantic Ocean
and the African continent.
The U.S. space agency, Nasa, said the greatest total eclipse occurred
over the Atlantic Ocean.
One of the best views was in northern Kenya, where tour companies
organised trips to view a total blackout.
Local myths there attribute the event to the Moon eating the Sun.
Partial views were available in eastern North America and southern
This solar eclipse was a rare occurrence in that it was “hybrid” -
switching between an annular and total eclipse.
In a total eclipse, the Moon completely covers the sun, while an
annular eclipse occurs when the Moon is at its farthest from the Earth and does
not block out the Sun completely, leaving a halo of sunlight still visible
around the Moon.
The eclipse event began about 1,000km (620 miles) east of Jacksonville,
Florida with an annular eclipse visible for four seconds at sunrise.
Eclipse view in Lagos-Nigeria
The greatest total eclipse occurred in the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 330 kilometres south-west of Liberia, and lasted for more than one minute.
The eclipse continued across Africa through the Congos until it passed through northern Uganda and northern Kenya, ending in southern Ethiopia and Somalia.
Either side, a partial eclipse was seen within a much broader path including eastern North America, northern South America, southern Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

Experts warned that no-one should attempt to view the Sun with the
naked eye.
A safe view of eclipses can be obtained by using special welder’s
glasses or a pinhole camera.
Despite rain and overcast skies residents of southern Gabon also got a glimpse
Sunday of the total eclipse of the sun.
“I saw a black disc progressively cover the sun. It’s magnificent,”
said Clarence Diledou, who lives of the port town of Port-Gentil.
“But unfortunately the bad weather spoiled the party a bit.”
The West African nation got peak viewing of the total eclipse as it
swept over a path nearly 60 kilometres (37 miles) wide.
At its peak over land in central Gabon, the sun was blocked out for
about a minute.
Weather permitting, partial phases of the eclipse were also visible in
southern Europe and in the eastern United States.
In Port-Gentil, families gathered together for the occasion along the
sea front, facing the sun.
Like many in the town, Diledou used special glasses distributed by
authorities to watch the rare event.
Those who did not have any came up with imaginative solutions, among
them Pauline Koumba, who put a bowl of water in her courtyard and watched the
reflected eclipse.
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