Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Female with body hair is should not be ashamed

The Hairy Legs Club

It’s that time of year again, the sun comes out and with it the media’s favourite pastime; presenting scantily clad bikini models and celebrities on the covers of magazines and newspapers all over the world. This is supplemented, of course, with perfectly toned and tanned ‘selfie’ snaps of flat washboard stomachs and never-ending legs, plastered over social media sites. It is this which makes the recent popularity of the Hairy Legs Club so refreshing.  
At a time when women are encouraged to begin the dreaded bikini season diet, a Tumblr blog has emerged which champions natural beauty, while dispelling some of the common myths about what constitutes female beauty.

The Hairy Legs club currently taking social media by storm encourages women to post in with snaps of their hairy legs along with positive comments. The blog has already received an immensely positive response with hundreds of posts from young women who are embracing the site as an opportunity to challenge some of the unrealistic body images prevalent in today’s media. One anonymous blogger gushed “I love this website! I was always ashamed of my hairy legs since I was 10 years old. Finally, a couple of years ago I accepted them… we should not accept what others think beauty is. We must accept our true nature and true beauty.” Another blogger declared “I have hairy legs, and to be honest I feel more ‘feminine’ than ever!”

The trend follows a number of other initiatives to promote a more natural and realistic portrayal of women’s bodies. The ‘Very Hairy Legs’ blog, started on Tumblr by blogger Sarah with the primary aim of encouraging women to embrace their natural beauty, has also been met with enthusiasm. Sarah told her followers: 'This blog is dedicated to females with very hairy legs. Let our legs be the champions!' The daily stream of empowered comments which the blog receives demonstrates the impression it has made on many young girls, with one anonymous blogger confiding “I'm so moved. 

For all my life I felt wrong, ashamed, different, alone, ugly, unlovable. Discovering this blog, going through the pages, made me cry so hard. I'm not alone. I don't need to be ashamed. I don't need to be scared. I can be proud.”

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