Friday, August 29, 2014

‘We don’t have a strategy,’ Obama says after ISIS death march video surfaces


As ISIS militants were bragging about their latest mass execution, President Obama admitted that he has no plan for combatting the bloodthirsty terrorists.

“We don’t have a strategy yet,” Obama said in a Thursday news conference.
The startling — and troubling — admission came hours after videos surfaced showing the militants marching at least 150 Syrian soldiers through the desert — stripped to their underwear and barefoot.
The troops were then executed, their bullet-riddled and slashed bodies arranged in a crescent moon that stretched across the desert.
“Yes, we have executed them all,” an ISIS fighter told Reuters.

 President Obama talks to reporters Thursday after frightening video surfaced of ISIS forcing Syrian soldiers to march to their deaths.
Abdirahmaan Muhumed left the U.S. for Syria and has now become a jihadist militant. This photo was taken from Twitter by journalist Mukhtar Ibrahim.
This man is believed to be American jihadist Moner Mohammad Abu-Salha, and is pictured in a tweet from jihadist cleric Abu Hurayra al-Amriki.
At least two Americans were killed in Syria last weekend, as they fought alongside ISIS militants.
Hours after the disturbing images were released, Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said the NYPD was keeping an eye on the Middle East. He was particularly concerned about American jihadists — some from our area — returning to wreak havoc back home.
“We are watching that very closely,” Bratton said, adding that more than 100 Americans are believed on the ground and with ties to terror groups abroad.

The slain soldiers in the barbaric images released Thursday were captured while attempting to flee the Tabqa airfield after ISIS militants stormed the base, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The apparent death march, posted to an ISIS YouTube account, is believed to have led to the largest mass killing carried out by the terror group.
The sickening footage opens with the half-naked men walking single file with their hands behind their heads.

An ISIS fighter repeatedly shouts out, “Islamic State!”
The prisoners respond immediately.
“It shall remain!”

The video then fades to black, but the footage that appears seconds later is horrifying. The camera follows a pile of bodies lying face-down in the sand. A dozen fighters are seen standing over the corpses as the cameraman moves from body to body.
At least 150 corpses can be seen in the video. The jihadists boasted on Twitter that they killed 250 soldiers, but that figure couldn’t be verified. An earlier video appears to show the same men, still clad in their underwear, being marched through the desert at gunpoint.

They are seen being forced to to walk and run. Those at the back of the line are kicked and beaten.
The soldiers were rounded up in the arid countryside near the Tabqa airfield on Wednesday — three days after ISIS fighters seized the base.
The troops were among a large batch of soldiers who were trapped behind the front lines after the merciless militants overran the airfield.
Some 200 Syrian soldiers and 346 ISIS fighters died in the fight for the air base, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. Hundreds more were wounded.

The Syrian government did not comment on the videos.
The stomach-churning footage marked the latest images released by a group that’s relied on a mix of bloody propaganda and brutal battlefield tactics to swallow up territory in Syria and Iraq. The Sunni extremists, also known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or ISIL, are said to control roughly a third of Syria.

Rep. Mike Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, was stunned by Obama’s “no strategy” admission.

“It was an odd press conference at the very best, but to have a press conference to say we don’t have a stategy was really shocking given the severity of the threat,” Rogers said on CNN.
Sen. Mitch McConnell, (R-Ken.) said Congress is ready to help the president form a strategy to defeat ISIS.


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