Says Won’t Accept Students
From Ebola Countries
If you were wondering where the
line between diligence and idiocy is when it comes to taking precautionary
steps to stop Ebola, look no further—a Texas college just rejected two Nigerian
applicants because of the virus. It’s not that the students have ebola, it’s
just that they come from a country where other people have had it, apparently.
The rejection letter, CNBC reported, begins: "With sincere regret, I must
report that Navarro College is not able to offer you acceptance for the Spring
2015 term. Unfortunately, Navarro College is not accepting international
students from countries with confirmed Ebola cases."

“While federal officials have urged
that colleges take precautions when enrolling students from areas with Ebola,
no federal health guidance has suggested across-the-board bans on those from
any of those nations,” according to Inside Higher Ed.
Nigeria had 20 reported cases of Ebola with eight fatalities, but after
more than a month with no new reported cases, if all goes well, the country is
set to be declared Ebola-free by the World Health Organization next week.
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