Monday, November 17, 2014

British Medical Student 'in Jihadi beheading video':

20-year-old 'appears next to Jihadi John' in sickening film

A UK medical student was last night suspected of being in an Islamic State killing squad that murdered 17 hostages.

The father of Nasser Muthana said the 20-year-old appeared to be among 16 jihadists who were filmed beheading Syrian soldiers in the desert.

The sickening video that was on YouTube for an hour yesterday morning also shows the decapitated body of Peter Kassig, a 26-year-old American aid worker.
Ahmed Muthana said: ‘I cannot be certain but it looks like my son. He must fear Allah now for killing people. How can he expect to face Allah if he is killing human beings?’

Asked if he would forgive his son if he returned home to Cardiff, the 57-year-old replied: ‘No, he must be mentally ill – either that or there is something else not right.’
Analysts believe the murder video is an attempt by Islamic State to provoke the West into an all-out assault and ‘final battle’.

Nasser Muthana is said to appear in the sickening video which shows the decapitated body of an American aid workerAs Jihadi John, the British leader of the killing squad, warned David Cameron of slaughter on our streets:
The former Chief of the General Staff said Britain may need to ‘think the unthinkable’ and send ground troops to take on Islamic State forces; 

Mr Cameron said the beheadings underlined the ‘deplorable depths’ the ‘depraved’ terrorists were prepared to go to;

The acts were described as ‘13th-century barbarism’ by former PM John Major;
Friends of Mr Kassig said he may have refused to make a propaganda statement before he was murdered; 

Barack Obama described Mr Kassig’s murder as an ‘act of pure evil’.

The footage showed John and 15 other unmasked extremists brutally decapitating Syrian army hostages. 
Speaking with his distinct British accent, John issued a blood curdling threat to slaughter people on the streets of Britain. 

The Foreign Office said yesterday it was investigating unconfirmed claims that John had been recently wounded in an airstrike by the Americans.
It is unclear when the horrific but slickly-produced film was shot but it is markedly more graphic than previous videos and the final act of beheading a long line of hostages is not blacked out. Mr Kassig, who converted to Islam in captivity, becomes the fifth Western victim to be beheaded.

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