Most of us are GUILTY,
but we may redeem ourselves if we rid our routines from these horrible
habits: success murderers, progress assassins and career layers!
24 hours a day, that’s it and that’s for all of us. That’s the ultimate equality set before us. We can’t stitch it, we cannot expect more of it, regardless how hard some may wish and pray for it.
24 hours a day, that’s it and that’s for all of us. That’s the ultimate equality set before us. We can’t stitch it, we cannot expect more of it, regardless how hard some may wish and pray for it.
what makes certain successful leaders turn these measly 24 hours within
one day into what seems to be months worth of productivity?
Successful people distinguish themselves not only by what they DO, but often more by what they DO NOT DO.Successful individuals avoid certain time wasters, like cats avoid water, I avoid garlic and politicians avoid questions.
Well I certainly DO NOT mean to be open 24 hours a day and slave to that system like a mindless robot!
First Thing First
We both are on our computers or our mobile devices, right now, as you read it and as I write this. Well, successful individuals, whatever trade, profession or position they may be in, they ALL KNOW when to say NO.Right now, a “good” NO would be avoiding distractions, saying a firm NO to getting side tracked by the next updates, the next message, the next video, the next text, the next push notification, the next whatever.
Success doesn't like to be distracted and sidetracked. I’m not saying don’t drift away once in a while into some sort of fun recess, I’m saying, CONTROL IT!
Second to None
We are on LinkedIn to further our careers, grow our businesses, network with like minded professionals, meet strategic alliance partners, strike deals!A sure way to fail, is to want to succeed SO BADLY that we fail at keeping it simple.

- We turn loads into burdens.
- We get our drive for success take over and run us into the ditch.
- We lose control once again, because we fail at saying NO.
A mile of a thousand miles starts with the first steps
You eat an elephant one bite a time.There is no need to be rude about it, just be firm, with others, maybe, with yourself first for certain! You are the one that bites off more than you can chew and end up choking.
Third But Not Last
Tomorrow will have a LOT of today in it…So to make the most out of tomorrow’s 24 hours, it is essential:

- To get tomorrow ready,
- Get yourself ready,
- Get your affairs in order,
- Get you agenda planned,
- Get your team assigned
- Get your tasks prioritized,
- Get your mind straight on target
Successful people live today with tomorrow in mind without having tomorrow overcome today.If that didn't make sense, read it again out loud, even tough I write it, I had to process it as well!
Jerome Knyszewski -I had to take ownership of this one-
The Forth and Today’s Last Point
Apply what you know needs to be applied. Pull the scab off denial, clean that nasty wound, it will heal, the scare will be your medal of honer and graduation to success.
Denial is your, rather my, or should I say our worst enemy!
- We wallow in false reasoning like hippos in mud!
- We bask in our good excuses like a lizard in the sun.
- We justify procrastination, we shrug off what we know to be right.
- We give in and give up 5 more minutes into what is eventually a tiny piece of the HUGE pile of wasted time.
Have a great productive day!
To our outrageous success my friends!

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