I grew up at a time when the President of the United States was
routinely, and without irony, referred to as “the Leader of the Free
World.” So it is disturbing to publish a list of the World’s Greatest
Leaders that, for the second year in a row, excludes the current

This isn’t a political statement. Fortune, like most of
its readers, celebrates practical success, not ideological rigor. My
own politics are militantly centrist, and I have a presidential voting
record that has ricocheted between parties as their standard bearers
have alternately seduced and disillusioned. I voted for Barack Obama
once, in 2008, largely because of his call to unite blue states and red
states behind a politics of hope. But it hasn’t happened. At home our
politics are as divided—and our federal government is as
dysfunctional—as they were when he took office. Abroad, the record is
Many wise foreign-policy analysts believe the President’s public
waffling on Syria not only fed the terrorism of the Islamic State, but
also emboldened thugs around the world—notably Vladimir Putin. The
President has dismissed their criticism by saying he is “less concerned
about style points.” But when it comes to leadership, style matters.
his book On Becoming a Leader, the late Warren Bennis said the
differences between leaders and managers are “the differences between
those who master the context and those who surrender to it.” It’s a good
distinction. Faced with difficult circumstances, President Obama has
Defenders of the President will argue that he had no
choice. Rising partisanship, increased public cynicism, and an
unrelenting 24-hour, social-media-driven news cycle have made leadership
at home all but impossible. And a multipolar world without effective
multilateral institutions makes leadership abroad equally problematic.
at Fortune we don’t buy this argument. Nor do we share the “Where have
all the leaders gone?” lament. With the help of a distinguished group of
advisers, we have identified more than 50 women and men who have
demonstrated superior leadership on the world stage, in government,
business, nonprofits, and the arts. To be sure, most of them haven’t
faced the kind of complex political and geostrategic challenges that
President Obama faces. But each, in his or her own way, has been through
the crucible of leadership and triumphed. Each has mastered context.
Together, their stories give us hope.
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