Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Food Labels helps in making healthier choices- Study

A study has suggested that food labels nudge people to eat healthier. Researchers say that when people know the calories and fat content in foods, they lean toward healthier fare.

Previously, there was little hard data to show how labels are effective in helping people make healthier food choices, until now. "It is one of the few definitive studies, demonstrating that putting calories and fat content on labels results in a reduction in calories and fat content purchased", said co-author David Levitsky.

The results revealed a 7% reduction of mean total calories and total fat purchased per week. Also, the percentage of sales of low-calories foods increased, while sales of high-calorie and high-fat foods decreased. Small nudges can help reduce caloric intake and in this obesogenic world, a consumer needs help to resist the temptations that the food industry uses to have us increase consumption.

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