Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Amherstburg Petition calls for Reinstatement of Fire Chief

A petition calling for the reinstatement of recently fired Amherstburg fire chief has gathered about 1,000 signatures, according to one town resident.
Amherstburg firefighters are threatening job action - like refusing to show up for training -- if the town doesn’t do something about the ‘poisoned’ atmosphere in the fire hall. (JASON KRYK/ The Windsor Star)
George Kritiotis, a friend of former fire chief Randy Sinasac, said Monday that “everybody’s been left in the dark” over the reasons for the dismissal.

“I think that anybody who lays their life on the line for 25 years and is wrongfully dismissed, it’s a disgrace of process and very unfair on all levels,” Kritiotis said. “It’s a shame that they’ve lost such a good guy right now, for the time being.

“I’m very confident that with the right steps moving forward that he will be reinstated and everybody can move past this.”
Kritiotis said since the Sunday launch of the petition — both online and paper copies left at local stores — “there’s 1,000 signatures.”

Sinasac was fired Wednesday along with two volunteer firefighters. Retired Windsor deputy chief Al Reaume has been hired on an interim basis to replace him.
CAO John Miceli has not released any details about why the three were fired but health and safety complaints were filed with the Ministry of Labour earlier this year followed by a work-to-rule job action by many of the town’s 60 firefighters.
An Amherstburg bylaw gives council the authority to hire and fire within the fire department.

“I think, at this point, it should be fairly clear that council’s made a decision and I don’t think they’re going to sway off of that,” said Mayor Aldo DiCarlo. “Never say never, but I will speak for council, we have made a decision, we have followed through with that, we have met our requirements under the act and any other regulations for fire.
“We have replaced the chief … and I think we’ve committed to at least a year’s worth of review and restructuring of the fire department.”

Because this is a personnel issue, DiCarlo said council may be limited in what they can deal with in an open setting.
“My office is always open. I will meet with them anywhere and we will address those concerns,” he said. “But this is an issue that we might not be able to deal with publicly.”
That may not satisfy Kritiotis and others.

“We’ve just gotta make more noise,” Kritiotis said. “It just doesn’t seem like anybody wants to hear it on town council.
“This has just begun.”

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