Anyone can succeed without capital, without a business plan, without a mentor, and even without a great idea.

Irrational optimism.
To be successful you must embrace belief, which means pushing aside all
those self-doubts: Feeling you aren't smart enough, dedicated enough,
adaptable enough, or simply that, in spite of your best intentions and
best efforts, you won't succeed.
Often other people make it even
harder to maintain that belief. Family and friends tend to shoot
multiple holes in your ideas, not because they want to bring you down
but because they care about you and don't want to see you fail.
why people rarely say, "Hey, that's a great idea. You should go for
it!" Most people aren't wired that way. Most people -- myself definitely
included -- are a lot better at identifying and listing potential
problems. We like to play devil's advocate because that makes us seem
And that's why you need to be irrationally optimistic: Not because
the odds are stacked against success, but because irrational optimism
helps you succeed in ways capital, business plans, and marketing savvy
Of course you can take irrational optimism too far -- but then again, maybe you can't.
about sports, the ultimate zero-sum game. Only one individual or one
team can win, but great athletes still go into every game believing they will win -- because if they don't believe they can win, they've already lost.
complete self-belief irrational? Sure. Is it also a requirement for
high-level athletic success? Absolutely. Great athletes push aside doubt
and disbelief.
So do successful people in every other field.
you listen to the naysayers you'll never start a business, never get
promoted, never work and struggle and overcome -- and never succeed. If
you don't believe in yourself, however irrationally, you will not
Although no amount of self-belief is enough to ensure success, the smallest bit of doubt can ruin your chances.
In Bounce, Matthew Syed quotes Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger, one of the most successful football (soccer) coaches in the English Premier League, on how athletes must approach competition:
The same is true for everyone. Be smart, be logical, be rational and
calculating, and never stop trying to improve your skills. But most
important, be irrationally optimistic.
Why? Belief in yourself will take you to places no external forces ever can.
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