Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Energy Drink For Every Personality: Which One Are You?

For some people, mornings are a struggle. The guy in your office who has stale coffee in a leaky paper cup every morning? Struggling. The woman whose eyes are closed at all meetings before noon? Struggling. The dude wearing one black shoe and one brown shoe? Struggling.

But you? You crush mornings. You're killin' the game before the game is even out of bed. And you drink SONIC's sparkling, antioxidant-filled energy drinks, obviously— because that's what people who do mornings right do.

The real question is, which SONIC energy drink are you?
You're a morning innovator. An experimenter. A magician. You were never one for the boring orange-juice-and-toast thing for breakfast. You throw crazy, colorful foods in your pancakes, and they always come out tasting like glory and looking like rainbows. Your most brilliant, innovative thoughts happen as the sun is rising. Your boss replies to most of your morning emails with one high-five emoji, two thumbs-up emoji, and three clinking-mugs emoji. You just got invited to happy hour, and it's not even 10 in the morning.

You're SONIC Energy Berry Blaze, a sparkling purple energy drink with a bold rush of tangy flavor
You go to sleep at night excited to jump out of bed and get it done the next morning. (What's "it"? Doesn't matter. It's done already.) By the time most people are sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic on their way to mope in a windowless cubicle for eight hours, you've walked the dog, replied to 29 emails, watched sports highlights, read the front page of the news, and started working. When you show up at your first meeting of the day, everyone is thinking, Holy guacamole, I feel like I'm being blasted by a big ray of sunshine. And you're thinking, Yeah, chief, you are.

You're SONIC Energy A.M., a sparkling orange energy drink infused with real strawberry and lemon
You sometimes run to work just because you can. If you sold the secret recipe for your mid-morning protein shakes, you'd make millions. (Seriously, they're that good.) Your breakfast is better for you and better-tasting than anyone else's. Even your friend Big Mike—y'know, the guy whose biceps have biceps—agrees. Your colleagues ask you for workout tips and for weekend-fun recommendations in the same conversation, because you know how to be healthy and let loose—and how to do both at the same time. To you, life is one big hardcore obstacle race... except it's not hardcore enough, and you tear down every obstacle before you.
You're SONIC Energy Zero Calorie, a sparkling energy drink with all of the flavor and none of the calories or sugar
No matter how you choose to start your day, SONIC's energy drinks—infused with natural energy, antioxidants, and essential vitamins—can help you start even better. Make SONIC your morning drink stop, and make the most of your mornings.

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