It is working with non-profit Summit Public Schools which has
pioneered a teaching method that allows students to learn online and be
mentored in class.
Facebook said that he project was completely separate from its social network.
There has been some scepticism about the technology firm's move.
a blog post, Facebook's chief product officer Chris Cox said that the
firm wanted to create a classroom "centred around students' ambitions".
"The technology itself has the power to bring to life the daily work by putting it in context," said Mr Cox.
frees up classroom time for teachers to do what they do best - mentor
students directly - and for students to spend time collaborating with,
and in some cases, teaching each other."
But not everyone was convinced of the move.
are very concerned about the privacy implications of this deal.
Facebook is known for violating privacy and seems to be getting worse in
this regard," Leonie Haimson from US non-profit Class Size Matters told
the BBC.
"Who will control access to the personal student data
and who will protect it? Who will decide? Parents or Facebook or the
schools or districts? This is a critical question which must be
answered - especially given its reputation."
The small team of engineers working on the project were subject to
"strict privacy controls to help protect student data", Facebook said.
Personalised Learning Plan it has developed has so far been used by
2,000 students and 100 teachers in schools in California.
Public Schools, Facebook's partner in the project, is a non-profit
organisation that runs schools in the states of California and
There are several elements to Summit's curriculum -
students spend some time working on projects and other time on the
personalised learning of traditional subjects like maths and English -
mostly via online content.
Ms Haimson is not convinced it is the best method to teach children.
"There is a growing body of research showing that online or 'blended' learning actually widens the achievement gap," she said.
educational tech boosters call it personalised learning, but its really
depersonalised learning. Most parents don't want their kids spending
any more time in front of computer screens than they do already - but
want more human interaction with their teachers and their classmates."
Facebook and Summit plan to offer the software to any school in the US that wants it.
social network is not the only technology giant involved in education.
Google offers a range of educational products and Chromebooks are
commonplace in classrooms.
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