Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Grinning man takes selfie as his suffering wife gives birth in the background

This new dad is really pushing it.
A Denver man posted the mother of all selfies on Tuesday: A grinning snap of himself in the hospital as his wife grimaces in pain through labor behind him.
Gil Solano, the delivery-room dud, shared the birth day pic on Reddit with the caption, “My wife wanted to make sure that someone took a picture of the expression on our faces when our daughter was born today. So I took one.”
The ill-timed image went viral, with many Redditors warning Solano that he probably earned himself a timeout.

“She’s going to kick your a-- for this,” one comment read.
“Humor is all about timing,” suggested another. “Show her between contractions — hilarious. Show her during contractions — you’re now a patient yourself.”
Still others snapped at him for being online when he should have been by his wife’s side.
“Guys! It's day one. Go help your wives. Pick up child and put down the phone,” said one user.

But some readers cut Solano some slack. One mother even confessed she spent time online in the delivery room, too.
“I was in labor for 31 hours,” she wrote. “I spent a fair amount of time on Reddit.”
My wife wanted to make sure that someone took a picture of the expression on our faces when our daughter was born today. So I took one.
woman in labout
The new dad swears his wife finds the photo just as funny as he does.
“I actually took this pic to send to her brothers who kept asking how it was going,” he wrote. “I showed it to her in between pushes and she cracked up. Now I’m reading her all of you guys comments while she feeds our healthy 7lb 6 oz girl.”
And he later posted on Facebook that his new bundle of joy is doing well.
“Eva Nell Solano was born at 2:09 p.m. without any complications. She’s ... as pretty as her mother,” he wrote. “Thanks to everyone for their prayers and well wishes, I promise to post pictures tomorrow.”
He also posted a much sweeter photo of his baby daughter with his wife in the background - but this time, the new mom is smiling.

Of course, this isn’t the only controversial contraction shot to come out of the social media age.

British singer/actor Robbie Williams raised eyebrows when he posted candid snaps of himself fooling around while his wife writhed in labor to Instagram last year.
And doctors and nurses have been slammed for taking “birthies” next to their patients. Such photos sometimes appear with the hashtag #deliveryroom.
The most heinous example was Venezuelan student obstetrician Daniel Sanchez last summer, who posted a selfie next to a woman’s exposed vagina with the caption, “Lady I can deliver your baby but first let me take a selfie."
He was spanked with a petition that drew more than 5,500 signatures calling for him to face disciplinary action. He apologized, and said the woman gave permission for him to post the graphic pic.

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