As a digital B2B publisher, Africa Business Communities is dedicated to  Africa Business News and to connecting Africa business professionals and entrepreneurs with each other. Africa is rising and we believe that the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) in Africa should have easier access to the media than they have now.  Why we focus on SME's in Africa? Please note that we do not exclude the bigger companies, but we do focus on SME's for two reasons:

 Africa Press List - African journalists and bloggers empowered
  • SME's provide the real growth to emerging countries; several reports indicate that SME's provide for 90% of the job growth
  • the barriers for SME's to tell their business story to the desired audience are quite high, especially if they want to do that beyond the country from which they operate
African Journalists do have skills that are very useful and valuable to SME's.  They are the good story tellers that can help SME's to communicate a clear message to a relevant audience.
In our turn, we invite journalists or blogger to be  included in the Africa Press List  (register) - through which organizations (not only SME's) can distribute press releases in a sophisticated and relevant way. 
 Why would you, as a journalist or blogger, want to be included in our Africa Press List? Obviously, you want to be informed with what is happening, but only regarding the topics that are of interest to you.
 The Africa Press List has the following features to protect you from undesired press releases/ email:
 Get only the press releases you want to receive
  • Complete and control your profile information yourself
  • Users can contact you through a form and they do not have access to your email-address
  • Block specific users/senders if you do not want to receive press releases from them
  • You can completely unsubscribe any time you wish to do so
  • We charge credits per press release per journalist, so senders will not easily send press releases to journalists or blogger for whom it is not relevant

We think that it is logical we have organized the Africa Press List in this way. If you are not happy with the press releasese /emails you receive, we are not happy either.
Now, we would like to point out that we can do something for you as well and give a satisfactory answer to the question: How do Journalists and Bloggers benefit from the Africa Press List?:
  • Users can search your profiles and contact you for commercial assignments
  • Africa Business Communities provides content marketing services for its clients and needs occasionally the commercial help of local journalists or bloggers as well: if so, we would look you up in the Africa Press List
  • You will always be invited to Africa Business Communities networking events; tickets are for free for registered journalists with a profile of 50% or more
  • If you are independent and working for yourself, we think we can help you to even further grow your income or business: how? – we will explain.
We can only say: be aware of your skills, you can write a good message which is the basis for a PR service. You could start communication services by writing press releases for organizations - SME's near you or known by you. We know that there is strong need for that. Moroever, you could expand your services by using the Africa Press List yourself in combination with  the Africa News Monitoring service. The combination of your writing skills and our tools form a good basis for rendering professional PR or communication services to SME's. The Africa Press List and Africa News Monitoring are indeed a budget friendly alternative for existing solutions. SME’s should be supported in communicating about their existence, their innovative products and business development. They need people to help them to tell their story. Journalists and bloggers are skilled storytellers and can make a paid service of that. You can determine the scope of your business services and the size of your client portfolio, which makes it flexible in combination with other activities.
If you have started your business as such, we can help to promote your business. To start with, we can include your business in our PR agency directory. In a later stage, we can also help you with a website and/or a landing page on Africa Business Communities or Nigeria Business Communities.
We trust in a fruitful cooperation with the valuable and skilled story tellers of Africa and would gratefully like to welcome you  as a registered member of the Africa Press List.