Every year, whether it be as an individual or as an employer, we must make a decision about health insurance — and along with that choice comes picking the group of doctors and hospitals that will deliver most of our care.
For some, this process is purely about affordability. But for others,
it is also about coverage and providers. If you are among those with
real options, there are certain considerations that should help guide
your decision.
Let's start with where will you be able to be hospitalized for elective
procedures. Although most people know at which hospitals they want to
be cared for, not everyone is so lucky.
Growing up in Paramus,
N.J., my parents taught me from a young age that if something ever
happened to me, I should ask the ambulance driver to take me to Hospital
A in the area and not B.
As a kid, I only knew what I heard;
as an adult handling malpractice cases,
I learned why that was sound advice. For those looking for a method of
deciding where they want their insurance to participate and their doctor
to have admitting privileges, there are several rating agencies that
you can look to for some guidance.
One place you can start is on the Centers
for Medicare and Medicaid Services website. CMS provides a standardized
survey and data collection system that results in public reporting
known as the HCAPHS Star Rating system. This is one of several available
means of comparing hospitals.
Another is the Joint Commission
(previously the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals or
JACOH), which not only accredits hospital, it also provides
certification in certain specialties.
Some ratings systems
and rankings rate by department. In this instance, if you are a woman
of child bearing, you will want to look more at the ratings of the
Obstetrical Department. And if you are a man over 60, with high blood
pressure and high cholesterol, it’ll be the ratings of the
cardiovascular surgery program.
Additionally, two of the respected commercial ratings services are Healthgrades and Hospital Safety Score.
Healthgrades "designates hospitals with five stars (better than
expected), three stars (as expected), or one star (worse than expected)
based on their performance in specific conditions and procedures.”
The Hospital Safety Score
uses "national performance measures from the Leapfrog Hospital Survey,
the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS), and the American Hospital Association's Annual
Survey and Health Information Technology Supplement.
Taken together, those performance measures produce a single score
representing a hospital's overall performance in keeping patients safe
from preventable harm and medical errors.
The Hospital Safety Score includes 28 measures, all currently in use by
national measurement and reporting programs. The Hospital Safety Score
methodology has been peer reviewed and published in the Journal of
Patient Safety.”.
Once you know where you would prefer to be admitted, the next step is
identifying a primary care physician in the plan who can admit you to
that hospital, if needed — not only because of where they can admit you,
but because they are likely to recommend a specialist who can also
admit to that hospital.
Now comes the tricky part: Picking a good doctor!
The first part is the easiest. They need to be board certified. If they
are going to be your primary care physician, this generally means in
internal medicine or family practice (although for your children this
would mean pediatrics and for your parents, perhaps geriatrics).
Most people have heard of board certification, but what does it really
mean? While the criteria are decided by the certifying board, they are
similar for each specialty.
It generally includes completing a multi-year residency program in that
specialty, then submitting an application to be found eligible to sit
for that board's exam.
Someone who is eligible, but has not completed the full process is
known as Board Eligible. Once found eligible to sit, one must pass a
written exam. For many specialties, the person must then pass an oral
exam and in some they must practice for a couple years before taking
that oral exam.
Upon completing the requisite requirements, a doctor is then board
certified. In the last 20 to 30 years, the boards have added mandatory
recertification every 10 years. So, with the exception of some older
physicians, keeping one's certification forces one to stay up to date.
Now it gets a little more involved for those who want to add a higher hurdle to their selection of a physician.
In most states the disciplinary boards provide online information about
every registered physician. For example, by visiting
www.njdoctorlist.com, the New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs
provides information about education, training, office locations,
hospital privileges, board certifications, disciplinary actions and
malpractice claims histories.
Of course, these require one to interpret the information for
themselves. Publications like “Best Doctors in America” or “Top Docs”
(as published in monthly magazines) provide generally reliable
information on who are the doctors with the best reputations amongst
their peers.
The one caveat to these are that in order to gain a reputation, one
needs to practice for a long time, often resulting in a bias toward
older doctors and leaving out some of the most recent highly-trained
Once you are interested in seeing someone, see if they have ever
published anything regarding your medical condition. While this may be
limited to situations involving non-emergent surgery, someone who has
published on a subject has taken a special interest in that disease
process or procedure, and their work has been deemed by colleagues to be
useful to others.
When my daughter was young, she needed surgery for something called a
cholesteatoma. I had never heard of this type of mass and when the
potential surgeon mentioned facial nerve monitoring, I asked how many of
these surgeries he had done.
He candidly offered that he had done "more than most and less than
others." He then said, "If you search long enough you'll find someone
who collects these in a jar."
And that was what we did. When we walked into the doctor's office, he
had pamphlets about this thing I had never heard of before, and in his
examining room was a notebook of articles he had written, about half of
which were about cholesteatomas.
Lastly, there is no replacement for confidence in your physician and a
sense that they are listening to you and answering your questions. Once
you pick a doctor, make an appointment for a "new patient visit" (kind
of a first annual physical).
You'll know when it is over if you've made the right choice — and that's what matters, that it is the right choice for you!
E. Drew Britcher, Esq. is the senior partner of Britcher Leone,
LLC, a New Jersey Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury law firm. He
is a Certified Civil Trial Attorney with more than 30 years’ experience
representing plaintiffs in medical malpractice cases. He is a past
president of the New Jersey Association for Justice (NJAJ), Chair of the
NJAJ Medical Malpractice Section, counsel on dozens of reported medical
malpractice court opinions, and was integrally involved in the drafting
of New Jersey's Patient Safety Act.
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