Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Do you want to get work done? Don't hire a millennial, - business owner says

As God is my witness, I will never hire a millennial again as long as I live.

Much has been made of the so-called millennial work ethic.
I'm convinced these people want to have jobs — they just don't want to work.
Admittedly, they have a healthier attitude toward work than my generation.

They fit work into their lives instead of scrambling to fit their lives around work, as do people my age.
The problem is that when they actually get to the office, nothing happens.
I've been through four different admins in the past year and a half, and each was worse than the previous one.

It's hard to tell if they can't do the work or if they just simply don't want to.
A look at the literature suggests that there are many reasons why millennials are so diffident about their role in the workplace.
Most struggle with large amounts of student debt.
Maybe they figure that there's so little hope of reducing that debt, based on their entry-level salaries, that they give up before they start.
The whole point of an entry-level salary is that if you stick around, the salary moves up as your responsibilities grow.
As the expression goes, your raise becomes effective the moment you do.
Last month, I hired a twenty-something admin with great credentials and outstanding references.
Two weeks later, I had to send her an email pointing out the sloppiness and inattentiveness in her work product and requesting a better level of effort.
I'm not talking about anything insane — just getting phone numbers and time zones correct. "Easy button" kind of stuff.
That very same day, she sent me an email reminding me that she had a bachelorette trip to Florida in three weeks that would cause her to miss three days of work.
Who takes vacations two months after they start the job?
Who has the tin ear to put in a vacation request the same day the boss sends you an email about sloppiness?
Millennials, that's who.

People who study these matters suggest that millennials grew up in a culture where everyone was made to feel special.
You didn't have to put forth an effort to win a ribbon or even a trophy.
Just showing up was good enough.
What a terrible lesson to teach young people.
I don't mean that adults should pace Patton-like in front of small children and inform them that the world doesn't owe them a living.
And yet, the world owes no one a living.
My soon-to-be former admin ignored being fired and prepared to come to work the following Monday, George Costanza-like.

So I had to fire her a second time.
This time, she finally understood that I meant business, and that she was out of the business.
She responded with a plaintive email reminding me that without her job, she no longer had a source of income. Did I have any ideas about how else she could make money?
Then she asked if she could list her position with my company on her resume and use me as a reference.
You cannot make this stuff up.
Last time I checked, jobs that pay more than $50,000 a year as a starting salary and include health insurance aren't that thick on the ground.
Ironically, she had been my second choice candidate for the job.
My first choice was a woman with an even more stellar track record.
Unfortunately, when I performed a cursory Google search of her name, I found photos of her on websites like — you can look it up — where she expressed the fact that her greatest desire in life was to become a plus-size model.

I have no problem with the fact that she wants to be a plus-size model.
Everybody has dreams.
I don't have a problem with her being a plus size.
I struggle with my weight, too.
I do have an issue with the fact that my clients could Google her and find the same compromising photos I did.

They would also see the terrible grammar with which she described her plus-sized dreams.
The final straw came yesterday, when my millennial bookkeeper announced in an email that she was leaving "effective immediately" and would have nothing further to do with my company. She wouldn't even share passwords with her successor.
I'm sorry, millennials. You're all special. You're all smart.
And you're all fired.

Call it age discrimination. Call it self-preservation. Call it whatever you want.
But if you're under 30, the unemployment office is two doors down.
Michael Levin, a 12-time bestselling author, runs, a provider of ghostwriting and publishing services.

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