Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Interview :‘The Development of the Gas Sector Should be made a National Priority’- Alhaji Sadiq Adamu

Nigeria is ranked seventh among gas nations in the world and number one in Africa. Oil and gas experts believe that Nigeria could even earn more from full utilisation of gas resources with a sound investment policy. ExxonMobil one of Nigeria’s biggest oil and gas companies recently appointed Alhaji Sadiq Adamu as Executive Director and General Counsel. 
Alhaji Sadiq Adamu

In this interview with May Agbamuche-Mbu and Tobi Soniyi, the lawyer, author, poet and playwright expounded on a wide range of issues including Nigeria’s untapped gas potential, renewable energy resources, why the PIB is not the panacea to Nigeria’s oil and gas problems and ExxonMobil’s Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives and local content policy.

Congratulations on your appointment as Executive Director and General Counsel of ExxonMobil. How do you intend to combine these roles effectively?

Accept my gratitude for your kind wishes. Up North in Wukari Taraba State my hometown, the people are celebrating the appointment. The combined roles of General Counsel and of Executive Director not just in one, but three different companies would, on the face of it, look daunting. The responsibilities will require me to play the lawyer-entrepreneur roles at the highest levels of corporate governance. I have been nurtured in the ExxonMobil culture of self-reliance, self-improvement and calculated risk-taking for more than twenty years; enough time for the process to reconstruct me for the job. The companies say I am ready and I have rolled my sleeves ready to evolve. I am a true seeker of knowledge, my seniors on the Boards are consummate teachers and the environment is conducive.

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