Monday, April 11, 2016

HEALTH: Flex Takes the Mess Out of Period Sex, Because Period Sex Is So Grody

Into every healthy sex life, a little monthly period must flow. It’s just part of being a woman and, if your partner wants to get some on the regular, they have to understand that period sex is a part of that.

But one company is trying to change the nature of period sex. Flex has designed a “disc” that women can wear during sex on her period for “mess free period sex.” It’s a one-time use product that can be worn for up to 12 hours.

Here’s how it works: You pop the disc up there before you get freaky, and it creates a soft barrier to your cervix, temporarily stopping the flow of blood, kind of like a menstrual cup.

Flex bills itself on its website as being “for people who want more sex,” adding, “with Flex you can have sex every day of the month, uninterrupted, on your own terms. No explanations, no fears, no judgments—just fun.”
Er, we seem to be missing something here. Last we checked, you already can have sex every day of the month with zero explanation, fear, or judgment—for free.

No doubt, Flex’s intentions are good, but this little disc pretty much reinforces the notion that period sex is gross—and last we checked, it isn’t.
Of course, if you tend to be a heavy bleeder and really hate the mess that can come with period sex, this might be something you want to look into. Flex isn’t currently for sale, but you can sign up for a free sample on the company’s website.

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