Monday, June 27, 2016

Study finds men less willing to wear condoms with hot women

Hello hottie. Goodbye condom.

The more attractive men find a woman, the less inclined they are to wear a condom, according to a recent study published in the British Medical Journal Open.

The study also found that the higher a man rated a woman’s attractiveness, the greater his desire to have sex with her.

The more head-scratching result was that the men surveyed were more likely to have unprotected sex with women they found to be at higher risk of sexually transmitted diseases.
Past research has found that men identify a correlation between a woman’s attractiveness and promiscuity, increasing the perceived likelihood that she has been exposed to STDs.

Male judgment is questionable. Researchers concluded that men are more inclined to use condoms with safer women they find less attractive than with risky women for whom they lust.
It’s clear men can’t get their minds into the rubbers.

Libidinal illogic is not limited to men, however. There is also a study that indicates women’s willingness to engage in unprotected sex can be predicted by the attractiveness of men.
You’d think that the more attractive a partner the more eager we’d be to wrap it up.
Not so, as this research has laid bare.

The studies’ authors hope that their findings can better inform sexual education, but it’s clear that even us so-called adults have a lot to learn about lust.
At the very least, maybe all this unprotected sex will make some good-looking babies.

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