Friday, June 3, 2016

In Marriage: Genuine reasons for Divorce

1. In Marriage you can find countless genuine reasons for divorce. but the key to Successful marriage is finding reasons to stay marriage.
2. GUYS >
Cheating is the Most disgusting. hurting, and disrespectful thing you can do to the Woman you claim to love. it changes the way she feels about Men, Love, Marriage and sometimes even GOD. It's a deep pain that rots her soul from the inside out. Dont cheat. if you're Unhappy, just Leave!

3. Give your marriage the attention it deserves and your spouse the attention and affection he or she craves.

4. True love says... you may dissapoint me, frustrate me, and annoy me, but i choose to love you, respect you and care for you anyway. True Love is, "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in Health, to love and to cherish, till Death do us part."

5. The Oneness of marriage doesn't mean sameness. learn to embrace your differences. allow your spouse the freedom and space to be himself or herself.

6. your spouse should never fear you. true love dispels fear.

7. Couples who pray together, put god at the center of your marriage. A marriage without god's protection is like a car without fuel! ALWAYS PRAY TOGETHER

8. Many couples spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours preparing for a few hours of the wedding, but they don't prepare for the Lifetime of the marriage.

9. HUSBANDS: Keep pursuing your wife, especially after the wedding. it makes her special knowing that she still matters to you. Reassure her that you still find her irresistibly beautiful.

10. Give your marriage the attention and affection he or she craves.

11. It's not the big problems that destroy marriages; it's the small ones that are natured over time. Many marriages end over ridiculously childish habits and mere childish behaviors. Marriage is for adults.

12. Be your spouse's stress reliever, don't add to his or her already stressful life. Make your spouse look forward to coming home to you, the only person who will understand and not judge. When life gets hard make your spouse run to you, not from you. Let your heart be your spouse's emotional hiding place.

13. Stop the silent treatment. Stop the cursing. Stop the emotional manipulation. "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me." 1 Corinthians 13:11.
▶ In marriage it is easy to drift into pettiness. It is surprising how sometimes adults can behave like children and fight over very trivial things.

15. Do yourself and your marriage a big favor and be the mature one in your marriage. Stop the yelling. Stop the tantrums. Stop the cat fights. Stop the name calling. Stop the calling of parents for every little arguments. Stop the stubbornness. Stop the fake cries for attention.

16. DEAR WIFE ▶ Life is hard and stressful. Work is demanding and tiring. People are unreadable, coldhearted and judgmental. Make your home the city of refuge for your husband.

17. Sex is also important to women. Her pleasure should be considered before your own.

18. Please don't forget your these anniversary dates. Wedding ,engagement,the first time you kissed. I beg you. These dates mean a lot to women. (Don't ask me why). I also don't know.

19. Your mother should not have the final say in your marriage. You married your wife, not you and your mother. Let her talk in her own husband's house.

20. The people that you choose to surround yourself with can break or bless your marriage. Choose your friends wisely. "Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals. (1 Corinthians 15:33).

21. Tell your wife she's beautiful even if you know she's looking normal. Women love compliment.

22. Speak gently and calmly to your wife. Never raise your voice at her, it demeans her and shows you think she is stupid. Don't think you are man so you can use intimidation, shout or violence to communicate your moods. Aggressive men don't make a happy home.

23. Don't forget that women also want attention and someone to share their thoughts with. Never be too busy for your wife. Treat your wife like a queen. Buy her gifts, take her shopping and once in a while, cook for her.

24. .There are 5 days each month that you have to say "I'm sorry", "yes baby" and "I love you" more than 7 times a day. That's when she's menstrating.

25. Carrying her handbag, cooking for her sparingly, opening the car door for her doesn't reduce you from being the man neither does it rob you of your anointing. Sometimes you just need to serve her breakfast in bed.

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27. NEVER expose your wife's weakness to your family or friends or run to them whenever you have issues. Problems are best solved between you and your woman.

Never shout at her in the public. If you have an issue to sort with her, do it in the privacy of your room. (Matt. 1:19)

● Never use money to manipulate or control her. All your money belongs to her. She is a joint heir with you of the grace of God. (1 Pet. 3:7)

● Do not ever allow her to beg you for sex. She owns your body just as you own her body. (1 Cor. 7:5)

● Do not let her body determine her worth. Cherish and appreciate her even at her old age. (Eph. 5:29)

● Be gentle and accommodating. She has sacrificed so much to be with you. It hurts her deeply when you are hash and irritating. Be tender. (Eph. 4:2)

● Never place your siblings before her. She is your wife. She is one with you. She must come before your family. (Gen. 2:24)

● Thank and appreciate her for taking good care of you, the kids and the house. It is a great sacrifice she is making. (1 The 5:18)
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