Monday, July 11, 2016

10 Reasons Why I Love My Mermaid Hair

Having mermaid hair makes you stand out, and when you stand out, you gotta own it.

Dove Hair research found that 8 in ten women feel pressure to wear their hair a certain way. In order to break down the beauty standards that prevent women from loving their hair—and celebrate all hair types—Teen Vogue and Dove have partnered to replace models and celebrities with real women in hair stories. Discover more about Dove’s mission on Pinterest.
It was an impulse decision. I decided to dye my hair blue, pretty much in the spur of the moment. Maybe it was the excitement of my new job, or the desire to trade my winter blues for a better set of blues, I’m not sure. I've rocked hair that falls to my waist (almost), and I’ve cut it short to graze my ears. In college, I cycled through just about every shade of blonde and brown, and at one point - I even shaved half of it clean off. And though I've always admired women with cotton candy hair or wild neon streaks, I had never really considered dying my own silky strands a non-natural color. Too much work or too much money. That's what I thought. What I never realized - until now - is that dying my hair blue would not only improve my daily routine, but it would drastically change my outlook on life in New York City. Having mermaid hair makes you stand out, and when you stand out, you gotta own it.

In no particular order, I’ve listed the pros of having mermaid hair, because the only con on my list would be a slightly blue pillow from my first night’s sleep with blue hair.

  1. I’ll never get lost in a crowd, whether I’m at a baseball game with my sister or at whole foods during lunchtime with a coworker, my hair is like a fuzzy blue lighthouse.
  2. My hair takes longer to get dirty since it’s been bleached. But, I’m also better at taking care of my hair because I want to keep the color vibrant longer.
  3. I’ve become more creative with my hair styling skills. I don’t want to waste any of the time I have with the beautiful blue hair on my head, so now I think more about how I’m going to wear my hair every day. I mean, yeah occasionally I’m running late for work and haven’t showered and I’ll throw it half up in a big clip; but usually I’ll braid a few pieces together or twist the upper part into a crown. No more sticking it in a bun 6/7 days a week like I used to.
  4. Blue hair makes me smile. Most people I’ve asked, their favorite color is blue. So having it on top of my head is pretty cool. I’d say it’s the same feeling as having freshly painted nails when you do something fun with them, whether a vibrant color or a cool design.
  5. Strangers feel more comfortable approaching me – which could sound like a bad thing, but it’s really proved to me that most people are good and nice and that we all long for that community feeling where it’s ok to talk to strangers.
  6. My hair makes me feel special. I’ve had young kids shout from across the street and elderly women go out of their way on a dog walk just to tell me they like my hair. I know they’re just talking about the color of my hair and not my incredible, vibrant – and totally modest personality. Still, it’s a nice to be complimented by strangers.
  7. Mermaid hair makes me feel less self conscious when taking a selfie. My excuse is that I’m documenting a moment in my life, since I probably won’t have blue hair forever. But really, nobody should feel bad about selfies. If we want to document ourselves in a moment in time, what a glorious privilege to do so!
  8. Blue hair is a great ice-breaker – a much better conversation starter than the weather. Instead of, “Looks like it’s going to be a scorcher tomorrow,” it’s usually “Have you done any other colors?” or “Cool hair! I dig it!”
  9. Changing your hair isn’t like buying a new outfit – it’s like buying a brand new wardrobe! Not only do you get to wear it every day, it becomes whole new source of inspiration every time you get dressed. Some days I’ll choose colors that are really similar to my hair color, like dark blue jeans and light blue t-shirt or some days colors that clash with my hair, a brown wool dress or a pink skirt, to really make a statement.
  10. My blue hair has taught me how to be a better me. It’s taught me that I’m independent, approachable, exciting, different, and special. I don’t know what color or style I’ll choose next – but I know I’ll have the confidence this blue hair has brought me. Now I know that feeling good about myself is all about my attitude and how I choose to see the world.

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