Tuesday, July 12, 2016

LOW VISION: What can i do if i have Low Vision?

Hello everyone!! 

Trust we are having a fantastic and healthy week with particular emphasis on our eyes. Remember, your eyes need to be taken very good care of so as to be able to last you a life time.

Today, we will be concluding our discussion on the topic 'Low Vision'. We will be talking about what to do when one has low vision. Also, knowing that knowledge is power, we Will be telling you some of the questions you can ask your eye care team.

What can I do if I have low vision?
To cope with vision loss, you must first have an excellent support team. This team should include you, your primary eye care professional, occupational therapists, orientation and mobility specialists. Certified low vision therapists, counsellors, and social workers are also available to help.
Together, the low vision team can help you make the most of your remaining vision and maintain your independence.

Second, talk with your eye care professional about your vision problems. Even though it may be difficult, ask for help. Find out where you can get more information about support services and adaptive devices. Also, find out which services and devices are best for you and which will give you the most independence.
Third, ask about vision rehabilitation programs. Vision rehabilitation programs offer a wide range of services, including training for magnifying and adaptive devices, ways to complete daily living skills safely and independently, guidance on modifying your home, and information on where to locate resources and support to help you cope with your vision loss.
Finally, be persistent. Remember that you are your best healthcare advocate. Explore your options, learn as much as you can, and keep asking questions about vision rehabilitation. In fact, write down questions to ask your doctor before your exam and take note of the answers you get, making the most of it.

There are many resources to help people with low vision, and many of these programs, devices, and technologies can help you maintain your normal, everyday way of life.

What questions should I ask my eye care team?

An important part of any doctor patient relationship is effective communication. Here are some questions to ask your eye care professional or specialist in low vision to jumpstart the discussion about vision loss.

Questions to ask your eye care professional:
What changes can I expect in my vision?
Will my vision loss get worse? How much of my vision will I lose?
Will regular eyeglasses improve my vision?
What medical or surgical treatments are available for my condition?
What can I do to protect or prolong my vision?
Will diet, exercise, or other lifestyle changes help?
If my vision can’t be corrected, can you refer me to a specialist in low vision?
Where can I get vision rehabilitation services?
Questions to ask your specialist in low vision:
How can I continue my normal, routine activities?
Are there resources to help me in my job?
Will any special devices help me with daily activities like reading, sewing, cooking, or fixing things around the house?
What training and services are available to help me live better and more safely with low vision?
Where can I find individual or group support to cope with my vision loss?

Contact @
5th Avenue, 52Road junction, Gowon Estate,
Ipaja, Lagos. 23401 Nigeria Ipaja Lagos Nigeria

Phone: +(234)08023796808
Mobile: 08191437788
Facebook: doroeyeclinic
Linkdin: doroeyeclinic
Twitter: doroeyeclinic

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