For Women of Colour, beauty has no skin tone. We look to a day, when
women will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content
of their heart. You are limited not by your skin tone but the size of
your hope. The Complete Fashion and Beauty Box team celebrate diversity in our newest cover shoot campaign with two media personalities Folu Storms and Samantha Walsh tagged “Women of Colour” The campaign aims at supporting self love.

Here are some of their beauty secrets:
What is your beauty regimen?

After the wash I tone using a mix of Water and Apple Cider Vinegar and then seal/moisturize with pure Coconut Oil or a bit of the Ours By Juliada body butter (Shea Butter mix)
Samantha Walsh: I wash my face before bed. It’s really all I do when I remember.
What beauty product will you always be caught with?

Samantha Walsh: My lipstick
What is your go-to hairstyle?
Folu Storms: I have locks which are usually up in a high bun or just left down to be as they please!
Samantha Walsh: My signature low cut or hair in a bun (when I have hair)
What is your favorite beauty brand?

Samantha Walsh: Iman or Zaron are my go to beauty brands
Which hairstyle will you never get caught wearing?
Folu Storms: I can be
pretty adventurous so I won’t say never but it’s unlikely that you’ll
see me (as myself) with relaxed hair. I have no intention of cutting my
locks in the near future or putting chemicals like that in my hair ever
again. But maybe a weave for a movie role. Who knows!
Samantha Walsh: Afro
What is your favorite perfume brand?

Samantha Walsh: Amouge
For detailed interview visit www.completefashion.org
Photography: Hama Daniels | @hamadaniels
Makeup: Zaron | @zaroncosmetics
Creative Guidance: Onah Nwachukwu | @onahlucia
Art Direction: Smart Courage | @infoworldcharming
Creative Assistant: Nkem Okorafor | @nkemokorafor
Shoot Assistant: Oka Peace | @wofai_
Head wraps/props: @Completefashionmag team
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