Call it vitamin D-on’t.

Doctors are warning about vitamin D again, and it’s not the “we need
more” news you might expect. Instead, they say there’s too much needless
testing and too many people taking too many pills for a problem that
few people truly have.
The nutrient is crucial for strong bones and may play a role in other
health conditions, though that is far less certain. Misunderstandings
about the recommended amount of vitamin D have led to misinterpretation
of blood tests and many people thinking they need more than they really
do, some experts who helped set the levels write in Thursday’s New
England Journal of Medicine.
Correctly interpreted, less than 6% of Americans ages 1 to 70 are
deficient and only 13% are in danger of not getting enough. That’s
concerning, “but these levels of deficiency do not constitute a
pandemic,” the authors write. Yet people may think there is one. Blood
tests for vitamin D levels — not advised unless a problem like bone loss
is suspected — are soaring.
Under Medicare, there was an 83-fold increase from 2000 to 2010, to 8.7
million tests last year, at $40 apiece. It’s Medicare’s fifth most
common test, just after cholesterol levels and ahead of blood sugar,
urinary tract infections and prostate cancer screening.
“I’m not sure when it got popular to check everybody for vitamin D
deficiency,” but patients often ask for it, especially baby boomers,
said Dr. Kenny Lin, a Georgetown University family physician and
preventive medicine expert.
Vitamin D pill use also grew, from 5% of Americans in 1999 to 19% in
2012. That may be due to many reports suggesting harm from too little of
“the sunshine vitamin,” called that because our skin makes vitamin D
from sun exposure.
It’s tough to get enough in winter or from dietary sources like milk
and oily fish, though many foods and drinks are fortified with vitamin D
and labels soon will have to carry that information.
Too much vitamin D can lead to high levels of calcium in the blood,
which can cause nausea, constipation, kidney stones, an abnormal heart
rhythm and other problems.
“We’re not saying that moderate-dose supplements are risky, but more is
not necessarily better,” said Dr. JoAnn Manson of Brigham and Women’s
Hospital in Boston.
She and several other advisers to the Institute of Medicine, which set
the RDA, or recommended dietary allowance, wrote the journal article.
People vary, biologically, in how much of any vitamin they need. The
institute estimated this by comparing various intake and blood levels
with measures of bone health. They estimated that, on average, people
need about 400 international units of vitamin D per day, and 600 for
people over 70.
To be safe and ensure that everyone gets enough, they set the RDA at
the high end of the spectrum of the population’s needs — 600 to 800
units, depending on age.
So by definition, nearly everyone’s true requirement is below that.
Many people and their doctors regard the RDA and its corresponding blood
levels as a threshold that everyone needs to be above, the authors
write. As a result, people often are told they are inadequate or
deficient in D when, in fact, they’re not.
“If you’re chasing a lab number, that will lead to many people getting
higher amounts of vitamin D than they need,” and labs vary a lot in the
quality of testing, Manson said.
The bottom line: Get 600 to 800 units a day from food or supplements
and skip the blood test unless you have special risk factors, Manson
She is helping lead a study that is testing whether higher levels lower
the risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, memory loss, depression,
diabetes, bone loss or other problems.
Nearly 26,000 people have been taking 2,000 units of D-3 (the most
active form of vitamin D, also known as cholecalciferol) or dummy pills
every day for five years. Results are expected in early 2018.
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