Wednesday, April 26, 2017

‘Emily Post’s Etiquette’ gets updated with modern manners in 19th edition

Technology changes, but manners never go out of style.

Emily Post’s guides to etiquette have been the go-to source for manners in America for nearly a century, and now her descendants are carrying on her work.
The 19th edition of “Emily Post’s Etiquette,” by Post’s great-great-grandchildren Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning, stays true to the spirit of her original guides while updating and expanding Post’s advice for the modern world.

Some may hear the word “etiquette” and assume it refers mostly to stuffy and outdated rules about which fork to use at a fancy dinner. But manners also help social interactions go smoothly, and as society evolves, questions will always arise about how to handle situations without pain or awkwardness.

At its heart, the authors point out, etiquette is about communication and relationships. With the ability to talk to friends instantly via text, or reach thousands on our social media accounts, we should take extra care to communicate respectfully.
And so “Emily Post’s Etiquette” pays special attention to the type of communicating we do online and on our personal devices. Texting, for example: Treat texting like you would a regular conversation, the authors advise. That means it’s probably rude to put off answering a text, or to bombard someone with messages. And if you need to break bad news, you should do it with a call or in person, not with a text.

At 722 pages, the guide is a hefty dictionary-sized tome that covers all manner of, well, manners — from common courtesies to the workplace to dealing with grief and loss. It even offers advice for how to address the Pope.

There’s a big chapter on weddings, a staple of etiquette guides. This one covers protocol for engagement announcements, invitations, wedding planning, attire and the one everyone has the most questions about: gifts. (Some pro-tips: It’s usually not necessary to bring a gift to an engagement party, but it varies, and it’s OK to ask the hosts. And gift-givers are allowed to get you something that’s not on your registry!)

The most interesting additions to this book reflect the way both technology and social norms have evolved, even since the previous edition was released in 2011. Image and personal branding online have become even more crucial to our work and social lives. We’re connected to everyone on dozens of apps, sometimes leading to awkward or embarrassing encounters.
It’s acceptable to ignore a friend request, untag yourself from a photo, unfriend someone or ignore “widely marketed event requests,” the authors write.
But “virtual manners” are still a thing, and there’s no reason to ditch the “golden rule of etiquette” of treating people respectfully, even if you think you’re posting anonymously. Think about how what you post publicly or send in a message reflects on you. The authors go a step further and point out a thoughtful person would put extra care into being polite when writing short messages online or in a text, since it’s harder to convey tone of voice and nuance.
In another instance of the internet shaping our lives, online dating makes a cameo in the dating chapter. A piece of advice some desperate Tinder-ers may need to hear: If you don’t hear back after your second message, give up and move on. And when you do meet a date in person, ordinary social rules still apply. Be on time, put a little effort into your appearance, make eye contact and “be a good conversationalist.”

The book even addresses “ghosting” — and reminds us it’s a bad idea.
Technology isn’t the only thing that’s evolved in the last 100 years; there’s also been social progress. The authors now include diverse families in their chapters on home life: unmarried couples with children, parents who choose to be single, same-sex couples. These probably wouldn’t have featured in their great-great-grandmothers’ books.
They could do a little more work on issues of race, sexuality and gender, though. Something not addressed is the use of preferred pronouns to fit with someone’s gender identity, so maybe that’s something to add for the next edition. And with all the time spent on how to address a husband and wife in a letter, we don’t learn what to do in the case of a same-sex married couple.
Sometimes, the Post family makes etiquette seem simple, and even entertaining. Then, you become dazed by the complex formula of formal wedding invitations.

But the great thing about “Emily Post’s Etiquette” is you can take from it what you need. It’s wonderfully indexed and divided into chapters. Anyone who’s looking to brush up on their social graces, has a burning question about writing thank-you notes, or just wants a fascinating look at how etiquette fits into our modern world will find it essential reading.

“Emily Post’s Etiquette, 19th Edition” is out now from William Morrow.

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