Friday, June 23, 2017

Don't Give Away Your Salary Details -- Do This, Instead

If you want to step into the new-millennium workplace and into your own power, you have to learn to set boundaries.
Most of us have been trained so thoroughly to respect authority figures that we cave right away whenever we are asked to do something on the job search trail.

We might not want to do whatever we've been asked to do, but we say "Oh well, I guess I have to do it anyway -- I need a job."

We forget to stand up for ourselves the way we would do naturally in any setting apart from business. We don't let people push us around at home or anywhere else, but at work and when we're job-hunting, we often do.

Recruiters inside and outside of companies will ask you for your private salary details. They may ask for them politely, or they may inform you that you'd better get ready to fork over your past salary information for every job you've ever held, or you won't be considered for the job.
If a recruiter's or employer's attitude toward talented job-seekers is "You will tell us your salary history, or we'll hire someone else" your best bet is to walk away.
The state of Massachusetts, New York City and other government entities are passing laws making it unlawful for employers to ask for your salary history. So why are recruiters still clinging to and in some cases, defending this hateful practice?
They do it because it is good for them to do so. When someone knows your salary history, they know exactly how much they need to pay you for your salary offer to represent a pay increase -- or even a pay decrease that they're betting you'll accept anyway.
When someone doesn't know your salary history, they must negotiate with you based on a salary range they communicate with you and/or on your salary target you set rather than your past salaries.
Knowing your salary history puts an employer and by extension, their recruiter at a negotiating advantage and puts you at a disadvantage.
Many recruiters grew up in the recruiting world asking job-seekers for their salary details. It was standard procedure.

Now they are learning new techniques. We are all learning new skills to navigate in the new-millennium working world.
Here's how to answer a recruiter who wants you to tell them what you're earning now:

Recruiter: So Lenny, what are you earning at Angry Chocolates now?
You: I'm focusing on jobs in the $60K range -- is this job in that range?

Recruiter: So you're earning $60K at Angry Chocolates, or $55K, or what?
You: I want to focus on my target, which is $60K. That's the key. If this position pays in that range it makes sense for us to keep talking.

Recruiter: My client is going to want to know what you're earning now.
You: I understand that desire because I'd love to know what they paid the last person in this job as well as your client's budget for this position, but I understand that you and I are in a negotiating posture and that you work for the client. My salary history is private but if my $60K target works for your client, then we're in business.

Recruiter: Lenny, you have to trust me!
You: I look forward to working toward that point. Right now we're talking about a possible transaction between your client and me, and it's not appropriate for me to share my personal financial information with you. If that doesn't work for you, I understand.
Recruiter: Okay, whatever, we'll work with your $60K figure for now.
You: So, is that figure in the hiring salary range for this position?
End of Script

It's a new day. We are all learning to find our voices and our backbones. Don't be afraid to walk away from people who treat you live a head of livestock. You have amazing talents to bring to the right employer, but not every organization -- or recruiter -- deserves you!
Liz Ryan is CEO/founder of Human Workplace and author of Reinvention Roadmap.

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