Asking for a raise is never easy. It requires you to take a risk but
career experts say its best to be prepared, take a deep breath and just
ask. “Don’t stop yourself because you think you might be turned down or
that you don’t have the perfect words,” says Linda Swindling, author of Ask Outrageously! The Secret to Getting What You Really Want.
According to Swindling’s research, 51% of people who ask for a raise get one, and 9%
of those people who asked for a raise received more money than what they asked for.
The key is to be prepared to make the case why you deserve a salary
boost. “Your boss may think you’re content with the money you’re
making,” Swindling says. “You have to let your boss know you want more
compensation and you’re willing to work for the increase.”
Latesha Lynch recently negotiated a $10,000 raise after working as
marketing assistant at a tech startup firm for a year. Before meeting
with her boss, she reviewed her original job description to make sure
she was performing all her duties and meeting all her goals. She then
laid out how her achievements in lead generation, event attendance goals
and social media reach had exceeded the goals in her job description.
She listed additional duties she had taken on that are outside her job
description. She also found job descriptions at other companies to show
her boss that she is doing the work of a marketing manager, not a
marketing assistant. She also looked at three top salary websites to
figure out the average salary for a marketing director at a startup.
“I basically laid everything out for him,” Lynch says. “I told him I
was doing the work of a marketing manager, not an assistant, and I was
ready to move into that role.” She waited for him to agree that her
title should change to marketing manager. Then she told him the salary
range for marketing managers and asked for a $10,000 raise to bring her
salary up to the market rate. “I allowed him time to consult whomever he
needed to, with a mental deadline of waiting one week before following
up,” she says. Lynch didn’t need to follow up. Her raise was approved
before the end of the week.
Follow these seven steps to ask for raise.
Make sure you’ve earned it
Before you ask for a raise, do a bit of soul searching and make sure
you deserve it professionally, says Blair Decembrele, LinkedIn career
expert. Think about how you are performing compared to your peer group
and consider whether you are over or under delivering. “Make sure you
really deserve it before you ask,” she says.
Ask at the right time
Make sure your company is open to a conversation around salary when
you bring up the topic. Some companies are only open to salary increases
at certain times year. You also want to think about asking for a raise
several months in advance of your annual review, not the day before your
Do your homework
Before going to your boss research industry standards and have a
strong understanding of what your salary should be. Look for job
listings that are similar to your position and your marketable skills
and find out the salary rate for those positions. LinkedIn offers a salary tool that takes into account job location.
Build your case
Compile a list of accomplishments that demonstrate the impact you are
making at work. Talk about how your work has impacted the ROI of the
company and your team’s goals rather than just saying, “I’m a good
Practice your spiel
Before speaking with your boss rehearse what will say out loud.
Consider practicing with a friend or mentor. Better yet, practice with
manager at another company who is used to having these types of
conversations to ensure you’re hitting the right points, Decembrele
says. Think about any possible reasons your boss might turn you down and build your case around dispelling those reasons, she says.
Brag humbly
Talk about the value you bring to your team and your company.
Use phrases that demonstrate that your work has been endorsed by others
or that you’ve endorsed your team’s work, Decembrele says. Examples
include: I received great feedback when I wrote the client’s white paper
or My team reinforced the bottom line when they delivered a project 10
days early. These statements demonstrate your leadership and your
Have a strategy if the answer is no
While you’ve been thinking about asking for a raise for several
months, this is the first time your boss is hearing this request. Your
boss might need to think about it or they might not have the authority
to say yes, Swindling says. If you are turned down, you might say, “I
appreciate your point of view or the financial state of the company
right now. What do I need to do to earn consideration for a raise or
promotion in the future?” Then work on any areas identified and show
your progress.
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